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Rimfire's Hard Ride (private RP for KionTheFiercest)
Old August 26th, 2022, 02:51 AM   #1
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Cartoonhottie2009 is offline
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Default Rimfire's Hard Ride (private RP for KionTheFiercest)

To say that Rimefire had enough was an understatement. He was beyond having enough! He was a solider for Mars, he was a rebel rider like his uncle and his friends, and most of all, he wasn't a little kid anymore! Why couldn't Uncle Modo understand that?! He was just as grown up as any of them, so why couldn't he go to a party? It wasn't far from the Last Chance Garage, and it would be good for him to mingle with Earthlings, right?

But Uncle Modo was firm on his decision, he was not allowed out of the scoreboard that night, and that was that. Sulking in the madeshift room he had, he couldn't help but stew in his anger. Why did he always get treated like a helpless baby? It wasn't fair... Thinking a bit more on this, a idea came to him. He was a rebel rider, right? So what better way to BE a rebel, than to ACT like a rebel? Smirking, he quietly slipped out of bed and using a pillow, fashioned a makeshift sleeping form in his bed. Tiptoeing out, he made his way out of the scoreboard undetected. Time to party like a true Biker Mouse from Mars!
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Old August 26th, 2022, 03:04 AM   #2
Kion the Fiercest
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Rimfire kept to the alley ways as to not attract too much attention as he made his way to the party location.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 03:26 AM   #3
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Back at the scoreboard, the three biker mice had returned from a late night drive. They had fought Limburger's latest attempt to take over Chicago, and they were ready for bed. Modo, though tired beyond belief, had to do something before retiring to bed. It was second nature for him at this point, but he continued to do it each night.

He promised his older sister he'd look over his little nephew Rimfire while he was fighting with them, and he would keep that promise to his dying breath. Ever since arriving to Earth, he had kept a careful eye over the young mouse like he was a precious treasure. Earlier that night, the two had gotten into a fight about the teen attending a party. Modo was firm that Rimfire was too young to attend such a party, but the younger male kept insisting he was mature enough to go. The argument did not end well as Rimfire stormed off in a huff.

Opening the door to the teen's room, Modo looked in to see if his nephew was asleep already. He was greeted by the sight of a figure nestled in Rimfire's bed.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 03:29 AM   #4
Kion the Fiercest
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Meanwhile, Rimfire was in sight of the club.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 03:51 AM   #5
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Managing to slip into the club easily, Rimfire smiled at the other young adults partying around him. Now THIS was more like it! People HIS age! People not talking down to him, teasing him, embarrassing him with stories or photos of his childhood, just people having a good time with him! Fully emerging into the party scene, he had soon acquired a red cup of some kind of drink in it and was schmoozing with a few fine young ladies.

"Yeah, Space is pretty cool." Rimfire said in a cool tone as the girls were hanging on his every word. "The Surfing on Saturn is the best of all."

"And you're really from Mars?" One girl asked as Rimfire nodded.

"Yep, Born and raised." He bragged a bit as he raised his cup up. "The red planet, redder than this cup in my-" He felt his hand bump into something behind him. Seeing the girls expression change to shock, he turned his head to see the last thing he ever wanted to see. His uncle was standing behind him, arms crossed and his one eye glowing red. "...uncle Modo?" He squeaked. "W-what are you doing here?"
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Old August 26th, 2022, 03:55 AM   #6
Kion the Fiercest
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"I found the dummy in your bed and figured you came here." Modo said sternly.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 04:00 AM   #7
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"Look, Uncle Modo, I can explain-" Rimfire tried to start, but was cut off as his Uncle grabbed his wrist and snatched the red cup out of his hand. Taking a sniff, the gray mouse glared at his nephew as he slammed the cup down on a nearby table.

"We're going home. NOW." The rough tone of Modo's voice made Rimfire wince a bit. "And you can do all the explaining you want there. Got it?"

"But I'm having-" Rimfire tried to voice an objection.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 04:01 AM   #8
Kion the Fiercest
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"Don't say another word, till we get back to the scoreboard!" Modo said.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 04:10 AM   #9
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"But-" Rimfire felt the tips of his ears burn in embarrassment as more people were starting to look at them. "Uncle Modo, you're embarrassing me." He hissed a bit as he tried to free his still trapped wrist encased in his uncle's vice like grip.
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Old August 26th, 2022, 04:20 AM   #10
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"But-" Rimfire could feel the tips of his ears burn as people around them were suddenly staring at the two. "Uncle Modo, you're embarrassing me!" He hissed as he tried to free his wrist from the vice like grip his uncle had on it.
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hard, kionthefiercest, private, ride, rimfire

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