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My Little Pony: Spanking is Magic (For JeremyWolf)
Old September 24th, 2023, 11:19 PM   #1
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Default My Little Pony: Spanking is Magic (For JeremyWolf)

Twilight Sparkle was lying in the shade of a tree, reading a book of old pony tales. She was currently the story of the two sisters.

Once upon a time...in the magical land of Equestria...there were two regal sisters, who ruled together, and created harmony for all the land. To do this...the eldest used her unicorn powers, to raise the sun at dawn...while the younger brought out the moon, to begin the night. Thus...the two sisters maintained balance, for their kingdom and subjects. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. The ponies relished and played, in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her, but the bitterness in the young one's heart, had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness...Nightmare Moon. She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly...the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom..the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she battled and defeated her younger sister...and banished her permanently in the moon. The elder sister took on responsibility for both the sun and moon, and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.

"Hmm" mused Twilight, "The Elements of Harmony. I know I've heard of those before...but where?"

Later, she was walking home, and ran into three of her friends...Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Minuette.

Elsewhere in her throne room, Princess Celestia was going over her schedule for the day. Most of it, would be spent with her guest...Princess Ruby Moon. She was the younger of two sisters, who ruled the kingdom of Saddlesore. Her fellow alicorn had been there a week, to negotiate peace between their countries, and exchange some custom ideas. Celestia was always willing to make peace, and happily accepted some of the suggestions, her guest made. Though there was one, she continued to suggest, that Celestia hadn't been sure about...corporal punishment, for criminal activity. Corporal punishment was allowed in Equestria, and public spankings weren't uncommon...but that was between individuals. What her guest was suggesting, would introduce a squad, which patrolled towns and cities, and punish those who caused trouble. There had been something like that before, but had been stopped before her grandfather's time. The last time her guest suggested it, she promised to consider it. She looked up when the door opened, and smiled as her guest entered.

"Greetings Princess Ruby" she said, nodding respectfully, "How are you this morning?"

(I figured we could do these scenes simultaneously, as much as possible, to move the story along quicker. Is this ok?)

Last edited by Hyrulianhero; May 30th, 2024 at 01:49 AM.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 04:28 AM   #2
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A alicorn with a white coat and a black mane but with two streak line. One of the line was light blue as the sky and the other streak is dark blue as the sea. Her eyes are dark blue as well.
She was almost as tall as Celestia but her head just makes it to her neck.
She is wearing a gold necklace and a gold necklace and a small crown on her head.

"Hello princess Celestia. I have slept well thank you. To where you have accommodate of my stay has been wonderful and to the breakfast that was served has been wonderful. I hope you have thought more of the peace treaty of our two countries and our custom ideas." Princess Ruby moon said to her as she comes in to her room.

Hey twilight. Moon dancer is having a get together at the west castle cortyard. You going to come?" Twinkleshine said to twilight as the three pony have gifts on there backs and look at twilight for an answer.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 11:19 AM   #3
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"I have" she said, "I'm more than happy to make a peace treaty, and adopt some of your customs.

"Even the corporal punishment suggestion?" asked Ruby.

"I must admit...I'm still unsure about that" she said, "But I'm willing to allow the demonstration you suggested, and am making the preparations."

Ruby had suggested letting her set up in a town, and punish misdeeds, like they would be in her country, to show it's effectiveness. Celestia finally decided that it couldn't hurt, to give it a chance.

She looked out the window, and saw her protege Twilight, lying under a tree...reading a book.

"(That girl)" she thought, smiling, "(Studying, even when she's on a break.)"

She looked to the side, as Ruby Moon came to look out the window too. Her student had been a subject of debate, between them. While Ruby saw the young unicorn's potential, the younger alicorn saw Twilight as a brat, who needed more discipline. Celestia had to admit that Twilight could be a brat...she had lost count, of the times she'd had to spank her student over the years...but she wasn't nearly as bad, as Ruby suggested.

"Oh...sorry girls" said Twilight, "I've got a lot of studying to catch up on."

She then smiled, and ran off.

(Hey man! I'm glad we're back to RPing! )
(Our PAW Patrol RP?)

Last edited by Hyrulianhero; September 11th, 2024 at 12:11 AM.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 03:43 PM   #4
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Ruby smiled to hearing this from Celestia as she look out the window with her and see Celestia student. "(Ah Celestia top student. I think her name is twilight sparkle if memory serves. I can remember during my stay that she been a brat a few times that she loves nothing but her books. Even to when we first met she had her head in a book.)"

*memory sequence*

My my i can't believe this is Equestria and Canterlot. I mean i heard the stories but didn't even believe that is true. Well i did want a change of scenery and for our two country to be at peace. So i better not let my sister down or my flank will not feel the end of it." Ruby said to herself as she was walking down some halls of the castle as she was admiring the scenes. But didn't see to where she was going as she bumped into a unicorn. "Oh my apologies" the unicorn said. Ruby looked at her confused as she was still looking at her book while she apologized. "It okay but could you apologize again without the book on your face?" Ruby said to the unicorn. "Sorry i cant im on to a good read." The unicorn said as she moves past her. Usually she wluld have tan a unicorn like that back in her own country. But she is a guest in another country so any action she would have took would look bad from her own country and word would have gotten back to her sister. So she let it slide till she see the unicorn stop and see Celestia in front of her and see the unicorn put the book down. "Ruby have you met my student?" Celestia said to her. "Student?" Ruby asked confused. "Yes this is my student twilight sparkle. Twlight this is Princess Ruby moon. She is staying with us for a week under a diplomacy treaty." Celestia said.
Twilight smiled and waved and Ruby waved back and they went there separate ways.

*end memory sequence*

"(I never forgot that day or the other ones to where she cought a few times of seeing a brat side of Twlight.)" She look out the window to see three pony stop her tracks and see the gift and can only guess it for a party but see her blow them off and runs past them.
Ruby sigh from seeing this. "So i hear that this summer sun celebration is tomorrow correct? You must be pretty busy with this event?" Ruby said to her.


Twinkleshine sigh as she see twilight run off. "Does that pony do anything but study?" Twinkleshine said and look to her friend. "I think she more interested in books then friends." Twinkleshine said again and Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts and Minuette both walk off to the party.
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Old November 10th, 2023, 10:26 PM   #5
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"Oh yes" she said, "And this year, is rather special. It's the thousandth year, of the festival."

When Twilight got home, she went up to her room.

A small purple dragon named Spike was in Twilight's room. He was Twilight's faithful assistant, and surrogate little brother. He was holding a present, and started walking to the door, when she burst in...knocking him to the floor.

"Spike" she called, "Spike!"

She saw him, and smiled.

"There you are" she said, "Quick...help me find a copy of Predictions and Prophecies."

She walked up to her library, and then blinked, as she noticed something skewered on his tail.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing.

Last edited by Hyrulianhero; November 12th, 2023 at 12:40 PM.
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Old January 31st, 2024, 07:47 AM   #6
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Oh then it vary special. And where will this festival be placed?" Ruby asked Celestia in question.
As it might help her to get good on this treaty to help on a special occasion.

Spike was dazzed and groan from the pain in his head as he get up from the floor and hearing twilight call his name and fallow her upstairs. He turns to see to what she was talking about and see the impaild gift through his tail and grabs it to pull it out.
"Well it was a gift for Moondancer." Spike said as a part of a stuff animal and a few stuffing comes out of the hole of the gift.
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Old January 31st, 2024, 01:57 PM   #7
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"This year, it's to be held in Ponyville" she said, "A little town, not far from here."

"Oh Spike" she said, rolling her eyes, "You know we don't have time for that kind of think."
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Old January 31st, 2024, 04:27 PM   #8
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I see." Ruby said to her. "And you have some pony too seeing the preparation are all set?" Ruby asked her.

But we are on a break?" Spike said to her in protest but knew to when twilight has a task or a nook she is looking for there no stopping her. So he help her by looking her bookshelves till he climb up the ladder and look through the top shelf till he finds it and holds it out. "Found it." He said out loud.
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Old January 31st, 2024, 09:40 PM   #9
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"I haven't told her yet" she said, "But I'm going to have Twilight handle it."

Twilight had been searching other book, and was getting frustrated. When Spike called to her, she used her magic, to pull the book and him, to her.

"Ah" she said, "Thanks Spike."

She set it on the lecturn, and started flipping through it.

"Elements" she said, "E...E...E...aha! Elements of Harmony. See...Mare in the Moon?"
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Old February 1st, 2024, 03:22 AM   #10
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I see. If it no trouble i would like to a company twilight sparkle and see this 'Ponyville as well." Ruby asked Celestia. As she did want to see Ponyville and the land but to keep an eye on Twilight as well.

Spike grsbs the books that she grabbed to put them back on the shelfs and listening to her.
"Mare in the moon? But that just an old pony tale?" Spike said sounding confused as he was putting the books away.
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jeremywolf, magic, pony, spanking

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