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Sore Roomate (for Nihko)
Old October 3rd, 2017, 04:23 AM   #1
Naughty Demon Pony
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Default Sore Roomate (for Nihko)

Blazecraft had been having the time of her life. She had a bit of extra money from some art commissions, so she decided to have a bit of fun at the local casino, trying a lot of slot machines and other betting tools, as well as getting a liiiiiittle tipsy at the bar. When she woke up the next morning though, she saw her account...was drained. Turned out she spent almost ALL of her money on her night out, and that wasn't the worst part...how was she going to tell Jackpot? Did he already know? Blaze was so worried she pretended to still be asleep on the couch when Jackpot walked in later that day.
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Old October 3rd, 2017, 04:29 AM   #2
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The older colt, fresh from a 12-hour shift at the very casino that Blazecraft went broke, opened the door to his shared living space, and saw his roommate crashed on the couch. Jackpot sighed, still dressed in his vest and dress clothes, and sat in the love seat perpendicular to the couch. He rolled his eyes at the obviously fake snoring coming from the couch, and crossed his legs in annoyance. "So, are you gonna wake up so we can talk, or am I going to have to grab the paddle?"
Woe to thee that ignore the warning signs. Woe to thee who enter this dungeon and traverse it's corridors. Know that when you hear the sounds of screams for mercy, and the indistinguishable thwack of a paddle against bare and quivering buttocks, it shall be too late...
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Old October 3rd, 2017, 05:50 AM   #3
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Blaze visibly twitched, showing she was definitely awake, and the younger pony slowly sat up, hugging the pillow she had been using to her chest as she waited for the scolding to take place. So he knew...her bum twitched in fear and Blaze bit her lip, kneading the pillow and looking down at the carpet.
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Old October 6th, 2017, 03:47 AM   #4
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Jackpot sighed once more, taking his hands through his mane in frustration. "You know,it's getting tiring having to constantly babysit you. And every time I think that you learned your lesson, every time I put a little slack on the leash, I get a kick in the head for it." He unfastened his bowtie, tossing it on the couch beside Blaze. "I really can't believe this. Just go and grab my paddle, I'm too tired to give you another speech."
Woe to thee that ignore the warning signs. Woe to thee who enter this dungeon and traverse it's corridors. Know that when you hear the sounds of screams for mercy, and the indistinguishable thwack of a paddle against bare and quivering buttocks, it shall be too late...
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Old October 6th, 2017, 04:23 AM   #5
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Blaze had to admit the way her roommate spoke...it hurt. She really messed up this time. "I'm sorry..." She said, before hearing Jackpot tell her to get the paddle. Her head shot up, her eyes wide. "W-wait! Please, not the paddle!" Tears already formed in her eyes at the thought, and her whole lower half was twitching in dread.

Last edited by Blazecraft; October 7th, 2017 at 03:43 AM.
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Old October 7th, 2017, 08:21 PM   #6
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Jackpot looked at her sternly. "I've given you warning after warning, Blaze. I've even spanked you twice before for this sort of thing! Clearly my hand isn't enough. And if I have to grab the paddle myself, then I'm also grabbing the belt."
Woe to thee that ignore the warning signs. Woe to thee who enter this dungeon and traverse it's corridors. Know that when you hear the sounds of screams for mercy, and the indistinguishable thwack of a paddle against bare and quivering buttocks, it shall be too late...
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Old October 7th, 2017, 09:52 PM   #7
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Blaze whimpered, especially when he mentioned the belt. Sniffling the young mare went to get the paddle, and brought it to him, her head down and her other hand rubbing her butt.
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Old October 10th, 2017, 05:15 AM   #8
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Jackpot took the wooden paddle, about three times the size of a hairbrush, and placed it on the couch. He stood and gently embraced Blaze, rubbing her back softly. "You know I don't want to discipline you so often, but you don't give me much of a choice. I'm going to make sure that this really stings, in hopes that it'll be the last time we need to talk about this. Understood?"
Woe to thee that ignore the warning signs. Woe to thee who enter this dungeon and traverse it's corridors. Know that when you hear the sounds of screams for mercy, and the indistinguishable thwack of a paddle against bare and quivering buttocks, it shall be too late...
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Old October 10th, 2017, 05:30 AM   #9
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Blaze hugged Jackpot back, and whimpered as she pressed her face into his chest. "M...m-hm.." She nodded slightly and sniffled, not wanting a spanking but also knowing it was unavoidable.
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Old January 19th, 2018, 12:25 AM   #10
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With that out of the way, the light blue colt sat back down and gently led his close friend over his lap. He patter her bum a few times, looking down at her sternly, but with remorse in his eyes. "Blaze, I want you to tell me why you're in this position. Tell me why, again and again, I've had to do this to you." Before she could even answer, his hand rose and clapped hard against the center of her butt, like a crack of thunder.
Woe to thee that ignore the warning signs. Woe to thee who enter this dungeon and traverse it's corridors. Know that when you hear the sounds of screams for mercy, and the indistinguishable thwack of a paddle against bare and quivering buttocks, it shall be too late...
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