UPDATE 2021/10/22: The final release is here with Chapter 4! Like I mentioned in previous updates, I decided to cut the story a bit short so I could start working on some other ideas, but I hope I can make something with these characters again sometime in the future.
I hope everyone enjoys it, thanks for playing!
Download it here: https://jkso.itch.io/divine-punishme...king-adventure
UPDATE 2021/08/27: Chapter 3 is out! Check it out in the link below. I've been thinking a lot about how to go about making more spanking stuff and I'm probably going to be finishing this game with Chapter 4, and if I decide to return to this setting and characters I'll make a new standalone game for it. I'll be working on Chapter 4 and it will be out sometime in September.
UPDATE 2021/07/15: Chapter 2 has been released, you can grab it on the link below. Also added a tentative Linux and Mac version which I haven't been able to test properly, but I'll keep them there just in case someone is to get them to work.
I've been working on a spanking-themed game for a while now and after going through a lot of scrapped ideas, I made a short little prologue for one idea that I liked and thought would work as a episodic visual novel type of game.
The game is set in your typical fantasy world and the story is told from the perspective of Olivia, a healer with some particular restrictions for her healing magic, namely that she is required to punish the people she heals if Goddess Metia, the source of her magic, deems it necessary.
So far, the game is just the prologue (about 5 minutes long at most) that contains one animated spanking scene and is completely linear, though I am planning on making it a bit more interactive in the next chapter, where I'm planning to implement a sort of faux battle system that leads to different outcomes (and spankings) depending on your choices as you go adventuring with different characters subject to your healing rules.
I am planning on releasing another chapter soon and will keep everything updated in this thread, and I would greatly appreciate comments and suggestions, especially regarding the writing, characters, and things you would like to see in the future. This is my first project and there may be some bugs or other issues so I will keep an eye out for those as well.
Also, if you have any questions about anything, the game or the process of making it or if you need help with anything Unity related, feel free to ask, I'd love to chat about that too!