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Persona 5: Breaking Free (for Matisse)
Old November 2nd, 2022, 02:47 PM   #1
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Default Persona 5: Breaking Free (for Matisse)


Time has passed since the summer adventure across the country and things once again seem to be heating up for the Phantom Thieves. Joker has once again moved back in Sojiro’s attic and contact was once again made with Sophia on Joker’s phone and Zenkechi, who is busier than ever. Haru and Makoto are firmly in college and beginning their careers while the rest of the gang is still trying to figure out what they want to do with their lives

But today was no time to think about that as a Jail has opened up out of nowhere. With it being out of nowhere and so last minute, they had no time to contact Zenkechi so they had to go in alone. Soon into their investigation in the newly formed Jail, a wall began to form under their feet and separated the gang from Joker. Thinking quick, they immediately ran off to try and meet up again. But little did they know that something evil was brewing

Last edited by nomoewoes; November 3rd, 2022 at 05:47 PM.
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 03:05 PM   #2
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As Joker tried to reunite with his friends, a great number of shadows suddenly ambushed him. They were mainly jail's Soldiers like the ones present in every jail the Phantom Thieves previously shutted down, accompanied by some Pixies, a few Jack Frost and a couple of Jack O'Lantern, all low level Shadows.

Just out of Joker's side there was someone else, a black silhouette too far away to fully identify, but it was clear it was a feminine figure.

"You're sorrounded, little boy." the figure said "Give up now and I won't hurt you."
Faint lights pass through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, and I can feel I'm breaking free.
For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 03:13 PM   #3
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Joker noticed he was completely surrounded by the time it was too late, the soldiers and creatures completely blocking off all of his escape roots. Gritting his teeth, he prepared to battle. “Arsene!” He removed his mask and shouted but as soon as he called forth his persona’s name, his mask returned on his face, a clear indicator that he was out of stamina. This just made a bad situation so much worse
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 03:37 PM   #4
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Once the crowd of Shadows had completely sorrounded Joker, they moved just enough to create a little passage. From there, the dark figure began to walk toward the boy.

Short after, she arrived right in front of Joker, under the light of the street lamps. It was a feminine figure indeed, but it was pretty clear she was a Shadow too. She was tall, much taller than Joker and was wearing a black dress with a golden belt and long black gloves. But what made her a frigthening sight were her red skin, her goat like feet and a couple of horns on her head sorrounded by her black hair.

"It seems this naughty little boy has ran out of energy." she smirked "I suggest you to surrender. Now."
Faint lights pass through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, and I can feel I'm breaking free.
For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 03:42 PM   #5
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Joker watched as the woman revealed herself from out of the shadows and made her presence known in full to the leader of the Phantom Thieves and her minions. Knowing the deck is stacked against him, he knew deep down that he should give up. But that option would disappear as he summoned his knife and gun before firing a shot at the tall woman. This was a clearly desperate move but he felt he had no other option
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 03:48 PM   #6
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The bullets hit the woman right in the head, just to fall on the ground like nothing had happened, that because that particular Shadow was completely immune to all physical damage.

"A really bad move, boy." she said, with a smirk, before making a jump toward Joker.

The shadow soon reached him in a moment, and with a swift movement she removed both the gun and the knife from his hands, leaving the lader of the Phantom Thieves unarmed.
Faint lights pass through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, and I can feel I'm breaking free.
For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 03:53 PM   #7
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Joker gritted his teeth and groaned as the bullets hit the ground harmlessly before vanishing. Looking over, he noticed the shadows smiling and laughing at him as if there was a joke he wasn’t in on. But the mocking just made him more angry as he lunged forward at the woman and threw a punch
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 04:34 PM   #8
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The Shadow grabbed Joker punch as it was thrown at her, and with a rapid movement she grabbed the boy frmly by a ear.

"Throwing punches too, we really have a naughty boy here." she said, grinning "And do you know what naughty boys get?"

She snapped the fingers of her free hand, and as she had done that a couple of Pixies vanished and returned in an istant with a chair that the placed at the center of the area.

As said chair was there, the Shadow dragged Joker toward it, saying "They get punished, severely."
Faint lights pass through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, and I can feel I'm breaking free.
For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
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Old November 2nd, 2022, 04:39 PM   #9
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Joker missed his punch quite easily as he was quickly restrained and his ear was grabbed by the woman. He let out a wince as his ear was grabbed and he was dragged to the middle of the the circle of demons so everyone could get a good look at what was about to happen. But Joker wasn’t going to give up without a fight as he struggled and winced in her grasp. “S-Stop! Let go of me this instant!” He struggled as he still had questions for the presumed monarch of this jail but was clearly in no position to do so
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Old November 3rd, 2022, 09:57 AM   #10
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The poweful Shadow continued to drag him without much effort despite his futile attempts to break free. She continued to have a grin on her face, and a lot of the Shadows sorrounded them began to smile too, ready to see what was about to happen.

"You can forget about it, boy. You are about to get punished." she said, reaching the chair and sitting on it.

With a powerful drag, the Shadow took Joker over her knees and pinned him on place by wrapping a leg around his ones and grabbing his right wrist with her left hand pushing it against his own back.
Faint lights pass through colored glass, in this beloved place. Silver shines, the world dines, a smile on each face.
As joy surrounds, comfort abounds, and I can feel I'm breaking free.
For just this moment lost in time, I am finally me.
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breaking, free, matisse, persona

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