You are about to give your first VR spanking.
The spankee (also another player) is already across your lap, who you can hear on the voice channel, pleading for you to go easy on her.
You bring your hand down hard, where it strikes her naughty bottom in VR and a pillow on your lap in the real world. Thanks to a cooperative spankee and the joys of multiplayer realtime XR, the spankee yelps with pain as you continue what is going to be a long hard spanking.
This is the experience like no other or at least like no other game experience.
Join us as we try to make this a reality in a new XR spanking game.
We are looking for game designers, programmers, graphic designers and game testers to make this project a reality.
Let us know if you are interest in joining the team.
For the Game Testers -
Do you have a
- Quest 2?
- Quest 3?
- Other VR?
- You would like to test the nonVR version (windows/android)
For the Artists and Graphic Designers
Have you used
- Godot
- Unreal
- Unity
- Other Game Engine
Have you used
- Blender
- 3ds Max
- Maya
- Poser
- Maxon Cinema 4D
- ZBrush
- other 3D graphic design or animation
- other 3D CAD
Can you also code, use programming tools, use git etc?
For the Programmers
What languages can you program in?
Have you done any XR/VR or 3D gaming?
Have you worked on a Spanking Game before?
Have you worked on a multiplayer game before?
You can reply here or as a private message.