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Birthday 1981-06-24
Homepage http://aprion.deviantart.com/
Location Its a secret.. sshh!
Interests SPANKING! duh :P
Occupation Private Security
About Me I am a Mad Scientist AND an Evil Genius.

okay seriously now..

I'm not the most interresting person. I'm just your average guy with a rough exterior, a heart of gold and a few odd quirks who likes to draw. I'd draw comics for a living if I could, but I'm just not that good. Currently 29 years of age and living in the Netherlands.

Some general information...

My hobbies, aside from drawing include Video Games and Warhammer ( Fantasy and 40K ) I like to play a friendly game of Pool every now and then. And I collect swords and blades of all kind.

Hmm what else.....
My favorite animals are birds. Specifically Hawks, Falcons, Owls. But also Cockatiels, Budgies and Parrots. Crows, Ravens ( smart little fellas they are :3 ) Not to fond of aquatic birds though. Stuff like ducks 'n swans. People being mean to birds piss me off to no end.

I don't have a specific favorite music genre. I listen primarily to J-Pop, Celtic, some rock, some blues, and the odd metal song. I enjoy a bit of everything. I can't stand Rap music though. I could sum up a dozen reasons why not. But then I'd either bore you to death, or possibly offend you horribly. So lets skip that.

My favorite writers are: Dan Abnett. William King and Sandy Mitchell. Their writing styles have been a great influence.

My list of favorite artists includes but is not limited to: Olivier Ledroit. Marc Silvestri. J Scott Campbell. Humberto Ramos. Masamune Shirow. Masashi Kishimoto. Nobuyuki Anzai. Hiromu Arakawa and Yukito Kishiro.

Number of photos 207
Number of comments 2,229
Number of times photos viewed 721,316
Disk space used 11.7mb
Last Photo Uploaded a_fitting_punishment_by_sozokureed-d5hwvvl.jpg
a fitting punishment ( color)
Last Comment Posted
Van Hellsting
Wooden stake? nah. Perhaps a wooden buttplug to really teach this vampire a lesson XD

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