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Birthday 1994-09-10
Interests im a huge fan of anime, and spanking of course though im not much of an artist i tend to write more than anything
as a result of watching mostly anime ive built up a long list of girls that in my opinion have it comming
misty, may, dawn, iris (pokemon girls)
sora, mimi, rita, kari (digimon girls)
rukia(bleach), ashoka tano (star wars),
gwen tennyson (ben 10),
raven, blackfire, starfire, bumble bee(teen titans)
lisa simpson,
hermione granger, ginny, luna (harry potter)
susan and mary test,Sissy Blakely (johnny test)
toph, katara (avatar the last airbender)
sakara, hinata (naruto+naruto shippoden)
violet parr(incredibes), virgo, lucy(fairytail)
velma (scooby doo), meg griffin (family guy)
melody, ariel (little mermaid), Shanti(jungle book 2)
Occupation student
About Me names john
im generally a nice guy although i like bad girls preferably ones that enjoy it OTK
first of i got interested in spanking when i was in my mid teens, then i got hooked on anime and hentai in my last years of highschool.
the first ever spanking anime images i seen was the works of el manto negro, the one with Ash's mum giving May a cherry red ass and the palcomix series, the one with a line up of girls from from different series all lined up for the spanking machine,
if i were to choose any anime character to spank it would be ether raven from teen titans her ass is just begging for it, or Akeno from highschool dxd there is just something about that girl.
i prefer to be the one giving the spanking so as such i don't have a favorite position as such, but when giving OTK or lying on the bed with the arse propped up is best, great view ether way
my motto is "the spanking should fit the crime", bare bottom for little miss-dead is not necessary, a wedgie spanking with a bare palm sends a clear message
favorite implement: hand for most (more fun) serious punishments get the cane or belt
im not really that good of an artist, so i let my words paint the picture,

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