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Mr. Stern Spanks The Sonsakus
I'll say this and will finish my argument here, because I think I already said most of what I had to say, however I do want to ask you this, you do know that criticism is also bound and inherentely link to also be criticized right? Listen your opinion is as respectable as any other, however that does mean people have to agree, we are all bound conflict and have our diferences, but that's okay.

Now that being said there is no need to attack people because they are disagreeing with you, the only thing we are trying to convey is that a character being OP, (which I believe is stablished he is in his universe, since I saw no one face him), or a story being simplistic, (Which a simple image can tell you a full story with just tiny details, you just have to see them closely and understand them) does make that drawing, comic or even movie/video bad, take as example any movie of Michael Bay (Don't know if is correctly spelled) or the Movies of Fast and Furious and Pacific Rim, the story in those situations are a mere excuse to simply see cars drifting, explosions everywhere, and giantic robot hitting a shark monster with a cargo, with all honesty, isn't that cool?
But if we speak or narrative terms you won't get much out of it, is simply like comparing the phases 1,2,3 vs the 4th of Marvel, although not in the same way.

My point is that not everything must be a Shakespearian novel with intricate language, and character build ups, at times you just one one good guy punch a bad guy in the face, is it simple?


But that's what you came here to see, if you didn't you wouldn't be watching.

Now I will understand if you reply however I think with this point everything should be now clear,
Have a nice day you MoonlightKidd and as for Master Yunu

Keep it going your pairings are always are joy to watch.

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