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Most Recently Made Comments
I don't think you're making too much of a fuss. It's obviously a redraw of your picture, right down ...
OH my goodness, you two are so crazy sweet!
I recognize this picture as well. As per aotk rules, you need to link to the original image when you...
Wowee, just look at that improvement, the posture, those confident lines! And he looks so much more ...
Good golly, I'm getting SPOILED with art this Christmas! Thank you so muuuuch. > o <
Drawings of...
oh ho~ It's gettin spicy in here.
I adore it.
Oberon is always sus. u.u
Of course, I suss'd this song early on, because Ashley is very prone to humming what they're thinkin...
Recent Comments on Member Photos
Nice! Is this Fandral?
Maybe Odin, Frigga and Thor are all absent and Loki figured this was the pe... by playgirl
Love it by SpankBoy10
I think this is the best composition you've ever done. In particular, I really like the "x-ray" to ... by Strictdaddy1
Good! by oscar
Can't help but feel she's trying to pass off a bad report card as good and daddy just ain't havin' i... by Jac26qq308
Maybe she is expecting, and maybe anticipating, for "something" that her daddy might do to her; due ... by ReaperMania
Cute little scene. by Tohru
Hard to imagine Sue giving a spanking, she's always on the other end! But if running in the halls g... by rhunter42dragon
how do you write on it? by FriskyMonth
I think, this image is a part of this VN: by lapot
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