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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Cc's Gallery » - Cc's 2008 Calendar


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I know, I know, about effing time, right?

Sorry for me super-lateness, I have been dealing with finals, lack of motivation, and lack of privacy for the past couple weeks, maybe a month, something...I could make excuses all day, but the point is I'm finally on break and should have the time to finish all the stuff I've let pile up. Including the December Calendar.

The story here in my mind is that they were out in the snow playing, and came inside finally because of the cold. Well, this is their warm-up game. ^^; Hey shut up, it's romantic to me!

Anyway, expect some more updates soon. And also, I won't be taking any requests (unless I've already promised you something). I need to take some time for myself.

A big big biiig thanks to Hotel who did the lovely template and lettering for this calendar, making it look really pretty. ^^ Hehe. -Hugs him-



Registered: July 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 2,253
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Date: Wed December 17, 2008
Views: 13,448
Tags: 21
Filesize: 1127.4kb
Dimensions: 1120 x 1700
Keywords: december calendar page 2008 mf playful snow winter

Spankhappy Megaraptor
I'll say it's about time. I was about to spank you myself for that.

No, seriously, it's worth the wait in the end.
#1 Wed December 17, 2008 22:51

Thats okay Cc, it's completely understandable. I'm a patient person, so I'm happy whenever your ready, and I'm super super happy that you came out with this page in the end. It's always good to take some time for yourself, you deserve it. It's your art after all. You need to enjoy your art and enjoy doing it, and a break from all the requests should help with that. ^_^

The snowflake graphics blew me away, that's so awesome! Your right about it being pretty, and your right about that game being romantic. By her sweat I'd say shes warming up nicely. I've always loved this concept, and your characters look simply wonderful. It took a while but it was well worth it for this final and wonderful calendar page. I'm happy you finally got it done, and am looking forward to anymore updates soon. Thank you.
#2 Wed December 17, 2008 22:54

IRC Lurker v2.1
Looks good!
#3 Wed December 17, 2008 22:56

VIP Donator
That's great, Cc!
It's always a pleasure to see Calendar Pages; I mus say I particularly like this one. This warm-up game is lovely, and both of their expressions are priceless. If only I could play the same game...

And, more important, take a good care of yourself.^^
It's important to take a break sometimes.
#4 Wed December 17, 2008 23:30

Junior Member
Another great work. i can't wait for your next few
#5 Wed December 17, 2008 23:35

Art Connonisseur
premium, I like how she's anticipating it. XD
#6 Thu December 18, 2008 00:22

Demonic princess
yeeepeee ! *cross the 28th*
#7 Thu December 18, 2008 01:12

what a great way to end the year...at least she can cool her butt in the snow. I love this calendar idea...you really made it fun.
#8 Thu December 18, 2008 01:17

VIP Donator
Thank you - I always enjoy your Calendar work. Worth the wait.
#9 Thu December 18, 2008 01:43

Narcoleptic Ninja
Wow Cc, this is really amazing! Not only is the picture wonderful, but the calendar is also wonderful! Well done, as usual!
#10 Thu December 18, 2008 06:01

Narcoleptic Ninja
So ya I forgot to read... well done on the calendar, Hotel~
#11 Thu December 18, 2008 06:02

Senior Member
I think it's very sweet and romantic, like always. And such a cute couple, though I think she's fast discovering how Bad a cold bottom stings when it gets spanked!

And, like always, such a fantastic job with the details, like the clothes,her boots, etc.
#13 Thu December 18, 2008 13:44

The Oscar
Beautiful, as always
#15 Thu December 18, 2008 16:18

Thanks all for your commenting. ^^

Angie, I have been more into fashion lately, so maybe that's why my girls are appearing more stylish. I just hit the 20 mark and perhaps I'm discovering my women-fasion tastes...I mean, I used to never really care about shoes, but now, it's like my second fetish!! ^^; Eheh, well, I'm not THAT obsessed, but I do have a stronger appreciation for them now!! ^_^
#16 Thu December 18, 2008 16:57

VIP Donator
Excellent, a hot and beautiful end for the calendar, and of course for Sayu. They both looked so serious in the teaser, so it's good to see them enjoying a little pleasure spanking.

I like the way Jiroki is still looking pale from being out in the snow, and Sayu ... well she's not completely pale any more.
#17 Thu December 18, 2008 18:53

Artist of the Damned
Luv the snowflake and also luv the innovative way to fight the cold !
#20 Fri December 19, 2008 04:41

Art Connonisseur
I think it's a very sexy way to warm up. great pick Cc. X)
#21 Fri December 19, 2008 07:24

Super Moderator
I guess december is a bit hectic for everyone (I didn't realy noticed you were late this time^^)
Anyway, great page, and they sure look like they have fun
I look forward to those updates you mentioned, but you make sure to enjoy that time for yourself^^
Oh, and great work on the template and lettering Hotel^^
#22 Fri December 19, 2008 17:12

I can feel the cold flowing from it. Brrrrrr. And there's some nice warming too
#23 Sat December 20, 2008 03:26

Senior Member
CC, you are one of my favorite artists on here. The affection between your subjects is palpable. I love it.
#25 Sun December 21, 2008 01:41

Shadow Artist
Ah, this is definately a sexy page. Really great choice of clothing. The glasses are a nifty extra, too. Good art as always.

Great work, CC.
#27 Thu December 25, 2008 09:02

Senior Member
Great finish for the calendar 2008!
#28 Fri January 9, 2009 01:33

<P>That is so romantic.&nbsp; </P>
#30 Tue May 5, 2009 21:07

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