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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Goldeagle


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Christina could hardly wait. Today was her first day of initiation into her college's sorority. Ever since she had come on campus she knew she had to join one of the greek sororities. She applied to just about all of them and finally she was accepted.

The girls had told her to meet them in the sororities basement. she would begin her intitiation there. That was a week ago. So here she was today, standing at the door of her new sister hood.

Christina knocked and seconds seemed to crawl by beofre the door slowly opened and a girl she knew as Jennifer opened it. jennifer ushered Christina into the house and down to the basement. There she saw the other girls standing around in long robes.

"Girls this is Christina. She wishe to join our ranks of sisterhood." The lead girl said.

"Birng forth the intiate." the leader growled trying to scare Christina. it was working.

"You will be asked to perform tasks testing your devotion to the group. do you wish to continue?" the leader asked.

Christina looked around the dark room and took in her suroundings. it was painted an ugly brown color, other than that the walls were bare. in one corner of the room sat a bench of some sort, with blue cushions and bag laying next to it.

Nervously christina nodded her head. she had come this far she could not back out now.

"good blindfold the initiate." the leader commanded.

As the words left her lis Christina felt someone come from behind her and tie a piece of cloth around her head. they tied the knot too tight as her head was beginning to ache. finally after what seemed like an eternity, the blindfold was removed and Christina was brought before the blue cushioned bench.

the other girls had gathered around as three girls stood behind the bench. The leader stood in front of the bench while christina kneeled before it.

The sorority leader reached into the bag and pulled out a long wooden paddle. Upon seeing the implement Christina's heart sank. she had heard horror stories of what sorority girls did to each other with that thing. The leader then pulled out a spinner device, with three girls names on it. Jennifer, Amy, and Suzie. Christina was confused.

"Sometimes, you have to do things that are detrimental to the group. this will test your fortitude. I want you to spin the spinner and who's ever name it lands on I want you to take the paddle and give them twnty five hard whacks." The leader said.

"So all I have to do is spank one of the girls who name the spinner lands on?" Christina asked confused.

"Yes You are correct. however let me finish. The other two girls names who are spared will each in turn give you the same treatment. we cannot have one of our own ratting us out now can we?" the leader asked.

the leader then nodded to the three girls behind the bench who nodded in return. the three girls then undid their robes and they fell tot he floor. Christina could not believe her eyes as three fully nde woman now stood before her.

The three woman then mounted the bench and bent over so that their bottoms were on full view of the rest, sticking straight in the air.

"Whats the matter. do you not want to continue?" the leader asked smugly.

"No I do but...but..." Christina stammered.

"there is no in between you either do this and become one of us, or you don't. but if you don't we will tell every other sorority that you are not willing to sacrifce for the group." the leader sneered.

Christina was now in a very hard place. she did not want to get fifty whacks with the paddle. she had never even been spanked as a child. yet she desperatly wanted to join the sorority. she had made up her mind.

With tears in her eyes about the pain that was to befall her, Christina took the spinner and spun it as best she could. finally it came to a slow stop on Jennifer. Christina looked to the brunnete girl in the middle fot he group. she had a sly smile and Christina had a strange felling she was going to enjoy this.

Slowl the leader led Christina back to the back of the bench. Jennifers bottom was now in front of her. Christina slowly rasied the paddle and brought it down with a mighty force. Her intiation had just begun...



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Thu December 18, 2008
Views: 4,559
Tags: 9
Filesize: 121.6kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 647
Keywords: threelittlegirls

Artist of the Damned
Interesting initiation.
#1 Thu December 18, 2008 04:47

yes...and very nice drawing.
#2 Thu December 18, 2008 08:56

The Oscar
#5 Thu December 18, 2008 16:05

Very nice job. The bodies are well drawn, and each girl is lovely. Though the only criticism I have is on the Red-head's leg she looks like she has a stumped leg, instead of being on her knees. It ends too short of where it should extend to, and looks somewhat squared off. Other than that nice story and art work.
#6 Thu December 18, 2008 16:49

VIP Donator
Party on!
#8 Fri December 19, 2008 00:58

Thank you all for your comments. I see what you mean Cc looking back on it. It looked good at the time is all I can say in my defense. lol.
#9 Fri December 19, 2008 04:20

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
these bad girls are looking forward to what is coming their way.
#11 Fri July 11, 2014 20:40

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