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With each smack of the paddle against Erica's bottom she yelped with pain and Lara and Adeleide smirked in triumph.

Several minutes into the punishment, Erica's was now balling her eyes out, her sobs could be heard throughout the auditorium. Finally, the spanking ended and Mrs. collins let the poor girl go. Erica was so ashamed, she got to her feet and ran out of the building.

The other dancers who had witnessed the spanking, stood in amazement. While Mrs Collins spanking a dancer was nothing new, it was never pleasant. especially as good a dancer as Erica.

The wieght of the situation was not lost on Mrs. Collins either. she took a deep sigh and got to her feet. All the while Lara and Adeleiede giggled in the background. They took this chance to confront Mrs. Collins.

"Mrs. Collins. after Erica's lazy display taking care of the stage, I think it would not be right to allow her to be in the lead role." Lara said with a mock look of concern.

"Your right, lass. I have always thought of Erica as the best dancer here, but after this." Mrs. Collins said.

Hearing the they were not the favorite of their teacher, Lara and Adeleide became angry, but not wanting to hurt their own chances, they kept their outburts under control.

"Well since we are talking about it, why don't Lara and I audition now?" adeleide commented.

"Yes, I think that would be good. get ready then." Mrs Collins said going into the seat area.

Lara and Adeleide tookt heir postions center stage and waited for the music to begin. As the trumpeters wher drawing their breath, and the violinests beging the first draw of their bows, a dancer came out on stage.

"Well, Well, it looks like Cathy has decided to join us today. Your late." Mrs Collins sneered.

"I Know ma'am, I'm sorry. My father is sick." She replied.

Not wanting to do another punishment, Mrs. Collins let the girl slide this one time. after all she had no reason to not believe her. As Cathy was leaving the stage she turned and once again confronted Mrs. Collins, postponing the audition.

"Mrs Collins, May I ask a question?" Cathy asked.

"What is it girl?" Mrs Collins asked annoyed.

"Isn't Erica supposed to make sure the stage is kept up and secure?" Cathy asked.

"She was, but that has cahnged, why do you ask?" Mrs Collins asked

"Well As I was coming in, I went to the changing rooms. On my way there i saw Lara and Adeleide doing somthing with the curtain ties." Cathy said.

"what do you mean?" Mrs Collins asked now intrigued.

"I don't what they were doing. They were doing something I couldn't see. I knew I was late so I didn't question them." Cathy answered.

Adeleide and Lara now looked as though they had seen a ghost. The color was completly gone from their faces.

"Girls is this true? were you messing with the curtain ties?" Mrs Collins asked.

"What no, of course not, why would we do that?" Lara asked.

Lara and Adeleide had not just treated Erica poorly, they had a reputation of extoritng some other girls, they took this chance to get back at the two.

"Becuase we all know you wanted the lead in the ballet and you would never get it with Erica still in the running." a girl came forward.

"Yeah. Come to think of it, I don't remeber seeing you two in the changing rooms either." another girl came forward.

"Mrs. Collins, you can't belive them. We would never..." Adeleide began.

"Would never what? I know what happens between you girls, and in light of all this it all makes sence." Mrs. Collins said as she angrilly got out of her seat and marched onto the stage.

"you two purposely sabataged Erica didn't you? just so you could take from her what was rightly hers. And whats worse you decieved me into thinking she was at fault." Mrs collins said walking the two girls into a corner.

Lara and Adeleide were now starting to tear up. They knew what was coming. They also knew that there was nothing they could say to defend themselves, their jig was up.

Mrs. Collins grabbed the two girls by the arms and lead them both backstage where Erica had taken her punishment. taking the bench Lara and Adeleide had sat on, she threw the two girls over it and lifted their skirts up.

The other dances followed their teacher and the two ill behaved girls to the back. this was a long time coming. Instead of picking up the hairbrush and using it as a paddle as she had done with Erica, Mrs. Collins instead grabbed something worse.

She picked up a clothing flog, used to beat dirt, mud and dust from wool cloth, so as to not have to put it in water to get it clean. Upon seeing their punishment implement, Lara and Adeleide lost all sense of dignity and began balling their eyes out, pleading Mrs. Collins not to punish them.

Mrs. Collins put her hand on Adeleide's back and lifted the cloth beater to administer the first blow.

"Now, when I'm through with your punishment, I want you both to pack your things and never darken my doorstep again, understood?" The punishment then began in earnest.


"My, my George, your right. this is the best performance I have yet seen." the kaiser of Germany said to the King of Britian.

"What did I tell you Willy, Mrs Collins, sure know how to pick them." King George V said as he looked back to the performance where a stunningly beautiful and graceful Erica performed the in the lead part of her dreams.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Sun January 11, 2009
Views: 4,252
Tags: 7
Filesize: 103.9kb
Dimensions: 651 x 1000
Keywords: ballerinaspt2

The Monster Under the Bed
sweet vengeance
#1 Mon January 12, 2009 00:44

VIP Donator
Those who plot against other will always get it in the end! Good.
#2 Mon January 12, 2009 02:47

VIP Donator
Excellent image, loved the story line.
#6 Fri January 16, 2009 10:29

ahhh...justice served up with a good flogging
great finish.
#7 Tue January 20, 2009 18:48

Junior Member
Image taken from a lovely old photo, both great
#8 Fri October 9, 2009 23:20

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
I'm so glad Erica has her happy ending, and that Lara and Adeleide receive their comeuppance, (with a clothing flog no less!).

This was a great two-part series.
#9 Mon April 13, 2015 05:17

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