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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Spanichspank


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I have to thank Timmy Naughty error in his "In the Wood - 1", his error gave me the idea that in this picture that has plagued the hands unused while the scourge fulfills its mission.



Registered: November 2007
Location: Madrid, Spain
Posts: 68
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Date: Thu April 2, 2009
Views: 5,152
Tags: 14
Filesize: 298.9kb
Dimensions: 943 x 921
Keywords: quienpierdecobra5

Naughty Timmy
VIP Donator
I have never been so happy to have made a mistake! This drawing is so wonderful and exciting. The position and hold is stunning. I like the way the spanker's leg wedges in the boy's armpit and locks everything in place. This time for sure I'm not mistaken- I absolutely love the way the boy's hands are bound with his own necktie! The implications of such an action are just so interesting to me. You honor my error with an amazing piece of work. Thank You!!

(For anyone who wants to know whats going on: In spanichspank's delightful "In the Wood -1" picture, I at first glance thought the boy's hands were tied, and I mentioned it in the reply box. Upon a second viewing, I relized that they were NOT tied, and that my brain was just seeing what it wanted to see. Such foolishness on my part inspired spanichspank to make this fantastic picture.)
#3 Fri April 3, 2009 02:32

Naughty thank you very much for your comment. I know that I feel excited when I see that my stupid drawings are of such a admiration, that encourages me to continue sending events.
Indeed, by mistake I put "In the wood -1" in the communal gallery, if someone knows how to pass it on to my gallery to do so or explain me how to do it.
#4 Fri April 3, 2009 04:34

The Oscar
<P>Very good</P>
<P>Muy bueno</P>
#5 Fri April 3, 2009 17:20

I love this...he certainly has him under control...<br>
#7 Wed April 8, 2009 05:54

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