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Lets not suger coat tings, times were hard. The global economy has down down faster than woman of ill repute, and as a consequence, constance, was laid off her job.

She just recently got another job but one in which she was over qualified. She now was a proud employee of speedy burger, a fast food resteraunt, something she hasn't done in twenty years, not since she was a teenager.

Finally her shift at the burger joint was over. Her body ached with stress and the stupidity of the average fast food customer.

"The food we have is on the damn menu in front of your face." Constance muttered to herself, mimecking what she had to do all day.

But her day was at an end, she stood at her door and fumbled with the key. She could not wait to get into the shower and just relax.

Opening the door, she found her daughter Lindsey messing with a box. Intrigued, Constance went to investigate.

Lindsey was Constance's daughter. She was what they called "goth" She had purple hair, numerous peircings, and the attitude to match.

Lindsey was wearing hernormal fare, White shirt that was too small for her, tied abover her stomach. A short Purple skirt and her signiture knee high boots. However, she was wearing a strange hat she didn't normally have.

"Lindsey what is all this?" Constance asked.

"Nothing, it's just a package from Aunt Ashley." Lindsey replied with a tinge of snark.

"Is it addressed to you?"

"Duh mom, god you make it really hard for people to believe you wearn't born yesterday." Lindsey smarted. Constance let it go though.

Constance bent down and began looking through the box. It contained all sorts of things, a picture of her considerably younger sister in uniform, various patches, the hat, and a letter. Constance read what her sister had to say.

"Man this stuff is so cool." Lindsey said as she thumbed through the patches.

"Yeah their nice." constance only half replied as she read the letter.

"In a few more months when I turn 18 I'm going to join the army and get the hell out of here." Lindsey said.

That statement did get her attention. For as her ears picked up what her daughter had said, her eyes read that her younger sister, would be deploying to a war zone. Soon her mind filled with images of not her sister, but Lindsey half way around the world fighting a war.

"No your not, Have you read this?" constance asked her daughter.

"Yeah duh."

"Don't take an attitude with me young lady, this is serious."

"Mom you can't stop me. When I turn 18 I can do what i want. Besides Aunt Ashley handles it just fine." lindsey argued.

"Your Aunt Ashley is only six years older than you are and just as stupid. I tried to tell her joining the army was a bad idea..but she didn't listen like your not listening now, and now look at her, she's going to war!" Constance yelled trying to get her daughter to understand her fears.

"Yeah but at least Aunt Ashley is happy doing what she's doing. Look at you, you hate going to that stupid speedy Burger, your lifes a wreck!" Lindsey yelled back.

Constance was taken back by her daughters brazeness, yet she let it pass. "I do it to feed your ungratefull ass!"

"Well if I'm such a drain on the family I'll just join the army and they'll feed me, everyone wins." Lindsey retorted.

"Don't be a smart ass." Constance warned.

"Better than being a dumbass I'd say." Lindsey said with a smirk.

Constance had never heard her daughter so snarky. she then knew it was a failure on her part. Lindsey used to get spankings when she was younger, but as she grew older, Constance thought that her daughter had outgrown them and to be honest she was busy with her work. Constance vowed all that would change right now.

"Get Over Here." Constance said as she rabbed her daughter by the arm and threw her over her knee.

Lifting up her short skirt she saw that her daughter was wearing a thong. Happy with her daughters choice of under garments as they would offer little protection. She began spanking her daughter with a renewed energy.

It all came back to her. Like riding a bike. Her hand found it's mark expertly as she delivered the punishment.

"I've let you go without one of these for too Long Lindsey. I thought you had out grown them but I guess not." Constance said rapidly smacking her daughters bottom.

Lindsey squirmed over her mothers lap. The stinging smacks were relentless. The room filled with the sounds of a naughty little girl getting her just deserts.

"I think we can do without these as well." Constance said as she reached down and puller Lindsey's panties to her ankles. Lindsey tried to protest by grabbing at her fleeting panties but got her hand smacked away as a result.

The spanking continued, Lindsey's bared bottom now taking the full spanking. Lindsey was now balling. Her tough exterior washed away with her tears. finally, her mother stopped. Lindsey slumped to the floor wimpering.

"Now I'm sorry I had to do that but it's for your own good. We can talk about this more. If you want to join the military Thats fine, but do it for the right reasons, not simply to get away from me. Now go get ready for supper." Constance said lovingly but firmly.

Lindsey wiped her nose, pulled up her panties and pulled her skirt down. "Yes ma'am" she said as she went to get ready for dinner.

The pictureof her sisterin uniform caught Constances eyes. ion it she saw self reliance, responsablity, honor and respect. then her mind formed a new picture, looking back at the picture of her sister, she saw not Ashley, but Lindsey, proud and respectful.

"Maybe the military isn't such a bad idea for the girl." Constance said to herself as she went to the kitchen.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Sat August 8, 2009
Views: 4,978
Tags: 19
Filesize: 276.5kb
Dimensions: 750 x 1000
Keywords: auntashley

<P>This is a companion picture to "The Perks Of Rank" I did. Aunt Ashley is of course, the ashley in the other picture. </P>
#1 Sat August 8, 2009 22:39

VIP Donator
Great image and fantastic colors
#2 Sun August 9, 2009 07:06

Demonic princess
<P>Again, you'r drawings uniform very perfectly, Eagle ! It's really good, i love it !</P>
#4 Sun August 9, 2009 12:18

Mr. Random
Story and Pic <br><br>Pony tail grab is hot. <br>
#5 Mon August 10, 2009 05:16

Senior Member
<P>Love the picture and especially the story.&nbsp;&nbsp; The picture tells its own story of course but the story in words gives the picture more meaning, which basically means great work and I look forward to seeing more!&nbsp; Oh and I would have given the picture an even better rating than 10/10 but it doesn't go any higher!</P>
#6 Mon August 31, 2009 08:30

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
riding her knee like a horse.
#7 Fri July 11, 2014 20:22

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