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Hey all!

Well last night I decided to really light the fire under my butt and pump out two which I had already started work on, so here is the second, goombasa's commission for a 2-panel "simple" color drawing. It cost a little extra for having 2 panels.

Anyway, this is a setting between My Secret Life and Goombasa in their house, where they make bets during the football season on their own teams playing eachother. You can see from this what happens when one or the other wins... ^^

I had fun with this and since it was simple color it did take less time than a "full" color one, which just requires a lot more rendering. Can anyone tell the difference? xD



Registered: July 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 2,253
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Date: Tue October 19, 2010
Views: 14,781
Tags: 37
Filesize: 844.9kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1430
Keywords: mf fm switch football bets couple consenstual spanking otk spoon hairbrush


X3, I love it... and damn I look sexy here. Not as sexy as MSL, but still... X3.

Wonderful work, CC, I can't thank you enough for your great work.
#1 Tue October 19, 2010 17:45

Senior Member
cuteness overkill :O
#2 Tue October 19, 2010 17:57

Little Miss Badass
Aw, love it =)
#3 Tue October 19, 2010 18:57

This may or may not be the only thing that might get me the least interested in sports. o.o

...Well, unless they involve bloodsports in political elections. That'd be neat.
#4 Tue October 19, 2010 20:06

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
I don't know who's cuter... MSL, or Goombasa. XD

...Alright, so I'm LEANING towards Goombasa, but MSL is VERY cute too.
#5 Tue October 19, 2010 20:56

Aw, what a cute picture! (: MSL and Goombasa both look very cute here, I agree.
#6 Tue October 19, 2010 21:02

A Real Role Player!
OMG! Cc you drew Goombasa looks so sexy~ (as always ^_^)

I wish I had boobs like that...

Anyways >w<

It's so awesome! This is just amazing! Cc thank you so much for this! We are forever in debt to you!

(I'm actually blushing XD)
#7 Tue October 19, 2010 22:49

Artist of the Damned
You two are such the sexy pair ! This is very erotic and yummy, Cc. And I have to ask, it's the same room in both pics, so how do they both fit into that tiny little bed.....? :3

I iz assuming there be sum spooning and cuddling !
#8 Tue October 19, 2010 23:32

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Weave: Very, very snugly. XD
#9 Tue October 19, 2010 23:54

Artist of the Damned
Pfffft ! That's right, you like to hide under Goombasa's bed...
#10 Wed October 20, 2010 00:20

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
I'm TOTALLY not under there right now... Totally. >.>
#11 Wed October 20, 2010 00:29

Dr. Weird
This is much preferable to the Phillies vs. Giants rivalry, which will be settled with broken bottles and pick-axes. Second panel is v. sexy, and I say that as an x/F fan.
#12 Wed October 20, 2010 01:33

Gold Member
And if the Steelers then I'm the one doing the spanking, muahahaha!
#13 Wed October 20, 2010 03:35

Cc does F/M! This is a good day indeed.
#14 Wed October 20, 2010 05:14

Mr. Random
That's cute. Great idea Goomb!

Those posters are fantastic.
#15 Wed October 20, 2010 05:51

Lol, thanks. I wasn't really specific about what should go into the room. I just asked her to make it 'otaku-ish' and I think she did a fantastic job with that, X3.
#16 Wed October 20, 2010 14:09

VIP Donator
If I could, I would rate this picture 12! This is sooo funny and sexy!

just one comment: in the upper picture the spanke (is it a boy?) is only tapping his victim on the butt from the way he is holding the wooden spoon, while in the lower panel he himself gets his behind really roasted...seems unfair to me

Thanks for such a great picture!
#17 Wed October 20, 2010 14:47

lol, love it
#18 Wed October 20, 2010 16:31

Oh, you didn't see the windup behind it, X3
#19 Wed October 20, 2010 16:32

Senior Member
Love the rolled up sleeve on the operating arm on all your drawings. They show an attention to detail that counts a lot: it takes time (and humiliation) to roll up a sleeve and suggests that the spanking is going to be delivered at a leisured pace.
#20 Wed October 20, 2010 17:23

VIP Donator
I like it very much, realistic everyday scenes! ^^ Very-very cute! Even can't choose, what panel I like more. )
#21 Wed October 20, 2010 21:49

Halo 2!!!yay
#22 Wed October 20, 2010 22:23

I love this picture. This will also be how Kitty and I solve any sporting differences. (I'll totally be the winner every time, though; I'm just that awesome.)
#23 Thu October 21, 2010 03:17

Thanks for the comments, all!

@doutes, No that's a girl, the same girl who is the spanker in the second panel. He isn't actually smacking at that point in the first panel, he is simply aiming his implement for the next strike. ^^
#24 Fri October 22, 2010 05:32

VIP Donator
Very cute - spoon and hairbrush are both wicked implements! As to the coloring question, I believe I can detect a slight difference, but it isn't much, making the "simple" coloring a worthwhile alternative to "full" color.
#25 Fri October 22, 2010 22:36

Senior Member
Go Patriots!!
#26 Mon October 25, 2010 22:22

Junior Member
Love switches c:
#27 Thu July 24, 2014 05:17

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