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It will certainly make Mortal Kombat more popular...
( If she have to "finish her" that way, it will take a lonnng moment, thehehe )

Art by "Sodano" , Deviant art



Demonic princess

Registered: March 2007
Location: The Forbidden Forest
Posts: 4,316
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Date: Sun January 23, 2011
Views: 12,617
Tags: 51
Filesize: 372.7kb
Dimensions: 864 x 698
Keywords: mortal kombat mileena kitana otk

extraordinary treasure that you found Ni- Wa-Wa!

That is a Finality!

And i don t say that only because this cow of Kitana kill me one thausend time at least over super nes >
#1 Sun January 23, 2011 03:31

Battlemech Mercanary
Wow... Just Wow...
#2 Sun January 23, 2011 03:33

Demonic Vassal
I love it Mina-sama, it's fantastic x3 I hope this is used in lots and lots of videogames >: )
#3 Sun January 23, 2011 03:37

#4 Sun January 23, 2011 03:39

This would've made the game much better.
#5 Sun January 23, 2011 06:53

Green Imp impgreen
Nice, I bet goro could give one hell of a thrashing (with the 4 arms and all) very hot pic!
#6 Sun January 23, 2011 08:14

VIP Donator
Must of been one heck of a KO to get her in that position.
#7 Sun January 23, 2011 08:41

The Monster Under the Bed
this should soooo be in mortal combat
#8 Sun January 23, 2011 10:57

VIP Donator
Good idea and good drawing. ^__^ Thanks for sharing! ^^
#9 Sun January 23, 2011 11:01

Senior Member
YES!!! Finally, there is a HOT mortal kombat spanking!
#10 Sun January 23, 2011 13:53

Gold Member
Awsome Im glad the mask stayed on her face since Melina is a grotesque demon like Baraka. Besides that this makes mortal kombat more lol'z with a different finisher option. Princess Kitana was a real brat anyway so she deserves this :P
#11 Sun January 23, 2011 15:51

Senior Member
lol, great!
If this would be in the games (as it should), no one would ever use a fatality again.
#12 Sun January 23, 2011 16:40

VIP Donator
That or certain players would strive to end every match with a fatality.
#13 Sun January 23, 2011 17:44

Karnacht av Visp
AotK's Resident Slasher Movie Villain
I used to think of stuff like this all the time when I played Mortal Kombat games as a kid. If you find any more like this please post! We should start a campaign where we bug the hell out of Midway to put Spankalities in MK games from now on. Who's with me?!
#14 Sun January 23, 2011 20:21

Demonic princess
put Spankalities in MK games from now on
A spankality....Do you know that, in game, you will have to FINISH someone with a spanking ? 0.o What an painfull end !
#15 Sun January 23, 2011 20:36

Good Lord, holy cow, jumpin' jehosefat, hell in a beef brisket! You have just made one of my deepest curiosities come to life, and wow, it could NOT look any better! Perfect design on the characters, hilarious expressions (especially on Kitana, see what happens, when you betray your daddy who's a power hungry Warlord?), and oh, the curves on the arse are just... yummy.

I agree wholeheartedly: there should be Spankalities in the game. Just one question: what would Sub-Zero's be? He strikes me as somebody who would cool off TOASTY! bottoms afterward.
#16 Mon January 24, 2011 12:23

*in a deep voice* "Excellent!"

*back to my normal voice* That is most impressive. How I wish that was in the games.
#17 Mon January 24, 2011 13:17

The Oscar
#18 Fri January 28, 2011 00:38

Senior Member
I've been waiting a long time to see Princess Kitana's gorgeous ass getting a good spanking. Maybe someone could do a picture of her getting spanked by Liu Kang next! (She'd probably enjoy that)
#19 Mon February 7, 2011 22:33

I love Mortal Kombat so much!
#20 Sun May 1, 2011 05:00

Probationary User
tee hee
#21 Mon August 1, 2011 06:21

SpecificInter3sts Edit P
Senior Member
Why Isn't Spankality a Finisher?
#22 Thu May 9, 2019 22:48

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