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rejuved and lost in a forest without any powers cause of a curse, Melusine, Melisande (the pink fairy) and Cancrelune (the blue dressed one) have to find a way to find their way back home....

Art and character by "Clarke".


Demonic princess

Registered: March 2007
Location: The Forbidden Forest
Posts: 4,316
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Date: Sat April 16, 2011
Views: 5,792
Tags: 5
Filesize: 1503.8kb
Dimensions: 1066 x 1476
Keywords: melusine spanking ogre

Demonic princess
i translated myself from french, sorry if some mistakes appear.....anyway, i'm a demoness, i do what i want.
#1 Sat April 16, 2011 20:22

Rumple's naughty bundle
lol I saw it this Friday in my weekly "Spirou" I wanted to upload it too, especially because I knew how you like Melusine. XD
#2 Sat April 16, 2011 20:37

Demonic princess
Ha ! You seriously think you can be faster than me about Melusine ??!

#3 Sat April 16, 2011 20:59

Demonic Vassal
XDDD Nice find Mina-sama x3 I love Melusine now
#4 Sat April 16, 2011 21:24

Artist of the Damned
Hah !! When you told me about there being a spanking on the next page, I thought it was just going to be the girls, but seeing the Ogre about to get a paddling too is a nice little bonus !
Like I told you in chat hon, it's too bad it wasn't the adult version of Melusine getting spanked. But then, I'm working hard on that comic as you've already seen.

Thanks for letting us all see this ! Melu finally got a little of what she deserved. Yaaay !! ^_____^
#5 Sat April 16, 2011 21:33

Belgians... What on earth do you put in your waffles?

And don't worry about the language, nowadays "Mina" is a recognized language and most of us are used to speaking it.^^
#6 Sat April 16, 2011 22:53

Demonic princess
"Mina" is a recognized language and most of us are used to speaking it.
Very funny >_< Just wait !
#7 Sat April 16, 2011 23:18

Senior Member
Very cool... but why did the ogre leave so quickly before eating them? I don't get it.
#8 Sun April 17, 2011 02:22

Artist of the Damned
Monkeytoster: Those boots are 7 league boots, so each step is equal to roughly 7 miles. He took a step by accident and ended up far away. ^-^
#9 Sun April 17, 2011 02:51

A Real Role Player!
That makes no sense...

A league is roughly 3.5 miles each...

So if they're 7-league boots, then that means each step should be about 24.5 miles...
#10 Tue April 19, 2011 21:07

Senior Member
All i know is, a spanking from an ogre that big would leave a lasting impression.
#11 Wed April 20, 2011 00:27

This is pretty cute; especially the last panel.
#12 Wed April 20, 2011 23:24

VIP Donator
Very nice and funny. ) Second spanking on this page was rather unexpected ^^
#13 Sat April 23, 2011 12:20

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