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Home » Active Resident Artists » CM_Zero » - CM_Zero's: Mina - The Forbidden Forest


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Concept Art of Kyriancela, the blazing sorceress.


Shadow Artist

Registered: March 2007
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,569
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Date: Mon June 11, 2007
Views: 4,790
Tags: 11
Filesize: 214.9kb
Dimensions: 800 x 1000
Keywords: cmzero fantasy concept

Demonic princess
A sorceress.....powerfull but it's not that's sort of characters who can defeat me, i'm afraid ^^
#2 Tue June 12, 2007 07:17

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Oooh, she looks fiiiiine. That magic effect is hard to do - I call stuff like that 'Exalted Posing' - very well done, she has the look of a sorceress alright - I especially love the skirt/tights combo. Very authentic~
#4 Tue June 12, 2007 09:31

Virtual Disciplinarian
Ok, now talk about ADORABLE. I think I wouldn't even wait for this one to try to defeat me, I think I'd spank her just because I'd enjoy it.
BTW: I'd like to have Mina across my knee as well, but somehow if I tried it, I think the reverse would happen. And somehow, I don't think I'd mind!
#5 Tue June 12, 2007 09:34

Demonic princess
BTW: I'd like to have Mina across my knee as well, but somehow if I tried it, I think the reverse would happen. And somehow, I don't think I'd mind!
Maybe one day you see Mina spanked but she is a powerfull demoness and she know it, who can defeat a demoness princess ? ^^
#6 Tue June 12, 2007 14:52

~loves lilies and roses~
Maybe one day you see Mina spanked but she is a powerfull demoness and she know it, who can defeat a demoness princess ? ^^
A powerful Paladiness, of course!

Paladins are the antithesis of the undead and demons, for their holy magic, granted by the gods, is what evil fears the most. Further, it would be poetic justice - a demoness who preys on fair maidens shall, of course, be fe...spanked by one as such.

[Nevermind that the Paladin would, of course, have heard about the demon's special kink]
#7 Tue June 12, 2007 17:27

Demonic princess
Damn ! Paladin !! i hate these light fanatics too ><
But you right, only the light can defeat the darkness
#8 Tue June 12, 2007 23:14

I think the best one to "defeat" her would be a Paladin who entered the forest with pure intentions in mind - one who was just passing through, or who needed to get to the other side to complete a quest. Their patron deity would (naturally) protect them from wicked beings along the way, and Mina would find herself in trouble.
#10 Mon June 18, 2007 06:26

Senior Member
CiE-Would the patron deity be the Lawful Good goddess of discipline, perhaps?
#11 Mon June 18, 2007 07:52

Because Words Matter
Either that, or it'd be a CG Bard-ess with a penchant and the 'innocent little SPANKER OF DOOM' factor protecting her from the rest of the forest....
#12 Mon June 18, 2007 10:33

Demonic princess
are you WHIT the demoness or AGAINST her ?? you have to fear me >
#13 Mon June 18, 2007 11:48

~loves lilies and roses~
I'd be against. Always on the side of the sexy female Paladins, I am. XD

And besides, she's a demoness. Don't think demons would mind so much
#14 Mon June 18, 2007 12:00

Darkzone: Yes, I was thinking of something along those lines.
#16 Tue June 19, 2007 05:55

Senior Member
are you WHIT the demoness or AGAINST her ?? you have to fear me >


On one hand, I don't want to get on the bad side of a spank-happy demoness. OTOH, I do prefer good over evil...perhaps that paladin can help protect me?
#17 Tue June 19, 2007 07:00

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