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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Naughty Smallmew


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Well this one will be my last submission to the site. Lately I haven’t felt any motivation or inspiration to draw, so I will take a break. I want to thank to all the kind people that supported me and liked “my not so good art”, to the few ones that commissioned pics (Seriously I really appreciated that).

With no more words to be said, I will just say farewell.



Registered: July 2007
Posts: 382
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Date: Sat May 18, 2013
Views: 10,602
Tags: 32
Filesize: 344.8kb
Dimensions: 780 x 443
Keywords: crossover maids spanking girls maria nagi siesta shana whilhelmina louise cane paddle hairbrush pjs

Always been my favorite artist, and i love the animations the most of all. Thanks for your contribution.
#1 Sat May 18, 2013 04:07

Dr. Weird
Aww. I'll miss your art, smallmew. Hopefully you'll beat your depression soon. We'll keep the gallery warm for you.
#2 Sat May 18, 2013 04:08

Dysgraphic Brat
I hope you choose to return when the muse calls 8)
#3 Sat May 18, 2013 05:04

Most artists on here come and go and come again as they feel like. I hope you keep up with your art even if you don't make anything related to animeotk
#4 Sat May 18, 2013 07:43

That's too bad, I'll miss your art. But sometimes a break may do good - let's hope you can regain your motivation.

It's a cute and pretty picture. Your maids are always so good. You're great at clothes and frills.
#5 Sat May 18, 2013 08:10

awww, so bad. I enjoyed your art from long time even if I never take time to comment it (sorry for that). The original art style as the sweet colors or inventive spanking situations where all time amazing.

I know by experience that sometime the motivation and enthusuasm can leave an artist sudently. I hope we will have the chance to see you come back at your pencils soon
#6 Sat May 18, 2013 08:41

Immortal Commenter
Not seeing your art coming here will be sad, but I hope you get time to find yourself and work out everything. There's always a place for you here ^_^
#7 Sat May 18, 2013 08:53

VIP Donator
That is very sad. VERY. T__T
I always loved your arts, they are truely awesome, and want to thank you for all that wonderful works once again. I'm afraid, I can't properly express how well you draw...

Anyway, I wish you good luck, anythere you'll be and anything you'll do. ^___^
#8 Sat May 18, 2013 09:34

Mr. Random
Aw I really enjoy your style but I can't imagine it'll be quite as awesome unless you get the muse again. I hope it's not your last submission but only one in a wait until you come back - some day. A good one to go out on.

I hope you succeed and enjoy whatever you move on to. We'll be here if something ever sparks that interest again! Good luck and good night small!
#9 Sat May 18, 2013 11:52

VIP Donator
No.... This is such a sad day. Smallmew I've been a fan of your artwork since the very first day I saw your work on the first day I came to animeotk. I constantly check your galleries not only here but on handprints and other places as well for any new submissions because you have such a wonderful, flavorful, detailed, and unique style. I understand how it is when you can't find inspiration, I'm no artist like you, but I am a writer, and I've been there with half-written stories banging myself over the head because I can't get in the right frame of mind to pick up the keyboard and continue my story for days... weeks... even though I want to. The inspiration just isn't there and I refuse to submit subpar work because I forced it. So in that way I do understand some of what you're feeling.

I hope that you will return when that inspiration does strike, I know it will sooner or later, as it always has for me. Just know that we will all miss your talent and will be overjoyed if you make your way back to our community.

you have friends here,

#10 Sat May 18, 2013 13:42

I'll miss seeing your new drawings as well, but I know the feeling about needing to take a break. I hope that you find inspiration again and can grace us all with new art someday.
#11 Sat May 18, 2013 15:49

Artist Spankee
I've been through the same problem, and it more or less killed my artistic life (almost). I really hope you shall be more lucky than I was and go back to your wodnerful spanking art !!!
#12 Sat May 18, 2013 21:30

Senior Member
You really are great, hope you get past that depression. You were the first artist to actually help me find this site, so thank you friend.
Good wishes!
#13 Mon May 20, 2013 01:24

Senior Member
#14 Tue May 21, 2013 13:46

Senior Member
You were one of my very favorite artists and I will truly miss you.'

Hopefully, you will return to us and grace us again with your wonderful works of art. If this does not happen, then I wish you well on whatever endeavor you do follow.
#15 Wed May 22, 2013 05:28

Most best artist ever is you i'm never get tired of your awsome arts
#16 Wed October 7, 2015 19:50

whan will he come back tears
#17 Sat August 13, 2016 14:43

Senior Member
Someday you will come back. We will waiting
#18 Sun April 4, 2021 03:55

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