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Too cute not to add a little color to it.

Red Tailed Hawk


Registered: March 2007
Posts: 129
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Date: Sat June 30, 2007
Views: 7,861
Tags: 18
Filesize: 67.7kb
Dimensions: 636 x 841
Keywords: conan bathtime f spanks paddles boy

Red Tailed Hawk
Thank you bobby. It is easy to follow behind a good artist and coloring it was a fun task. I love the little ducky.
#1 Sat June 30, 2007 02:26

Because Words Matter
Me too! Looks like mine. *grins at avatar*
#2 Sat June 30, 2007 03:10

Super Moderator
Yep It definetelly loos great colored
#3 Sat June 30, 2007 05:36

HA HAA..WOW I am honored and you did a great job coloring it!!!!
#4 Sat June 30, 2007 05:39

Junior Member
Wow very awesome great job man.

but the only thing I didn't like about this picture is the color for Ran dress.

but still great job.
#7 Thu July 12, 2007 18:42

Red Tailed Hawk
I typically use symbolic colors for my spankers and spankees.
Somewhere the spankers have some form of green, like in this image the aqua green color of the dress and green eyes to symbolize Jealousy or envy symbolizing that even though she's soundly spanking his little bottom that she would like to trade places with him.
The spankees, although not in this image, typically have something blue on and blue eyes to symbolize how sad and "blue" they are.
The pink of her apron was chosen to show her Feminine, motherly side that even though she is tanning his hide nice and red that it's only because she has to, not because she wants to, but that she would rather cuddle him than spank him.
I know, I put to much thought into it sometimes. But, now you know.
#8 Thu July 12, 2007 19:29

nice job...
#9 Tue October 9, 2007 07:40

Senior Member
Poor Conan, I'm sure he was just having fun!
#12 Sun September 16, 2012 04:07

Senior Member
oo, it's in colour.
#13 Wed October 31, 2012 21:02

Gold Member
I'm fond of this picture (I've seen it a couple other places on the internet), but why would the woman be envious of the little boy, especially at a time when he's experiencing a negative aspect of childhood, getting a wet-bottomed bathtime walloping with the bath brush?

If she were middle-aged, perhaps she'd envy his youth, but she strikes me as merely thirtyish.

The shampoo is blue, so perhaps it symbolizes Conan's sorrowful current situation (getting soundly paddled), and I'm certain that his mother (??) will hold and hug him, after she's spanked his behind to the shade of red which she believes it needs to be... --C.K.
#14 Thu November 28, 2013 00:40

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