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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » KoMaki-cookee


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I love Pokemon X and I had just gotten the legendary pokemon, Xerneas c:

I think I've seen one picture where the pokemon and the trainer had switched places and the pokemon was Umbreon c:

After seeing Xerneas they were really tall and it sort of made me imagine them to be very protective over there trainer and thus, I began to draw this~ c:

The trainer is a boy and Xerneas has no gender OwO/

I also wanted to add a small story in~ c:

The young trainer walked through the forest, grumpy and tired, all day he had lost every fight he had come upon and because of the mood he was in, was not in the mood to play with his pokemon, he wasn't even nice to them either. Every chance one of his pokemon tried to cheer him up he would just ignore and yell at them, even yelling at his legenday pokemon, Xerneas.

"I'm not in the mood! Just leave me alone!" he yelled as he brought Sylveon back into the pokeball, leaving the poor pokemon in there to be sad that his trainer had yelled at them.

The only one he didn't keep in the pokeball was Xerneas, being very proud of himself for catching such a pokemon, he wanted to show them off.

As he walked on, stomping his feet down a little more to extend the obviousness of his anger and grumpyness, he felt the muzzle of his companion lean down to nuzzle against his cheek, though, like the others, he pushed the legendary pokemon away.

"My answer won't change, Xerneas! LEAVE ME ALONE!" he shouted and crossed his arms, walking away, though noticing Xerneas didn't follow, he looked back.

"Hurry up!!" he snapped, glaring at them.

Xerneas eyes seemed to narrow and glare back at him, it was probably his own imagination but he didn't really think of his pokemon's emotions towards his behaviour today.

Xerneas began to walk towards him, earning a nod from their owner.

"Good." the boy, mumbled and began to walk towards where he was heading again, only to feel him be picked up by the back of his collar.

"H-Hey!?" he yelped in surprise and looking back seeing it was Xerneas.

"Xerneas?! Put me down! I said I wasn't in the mood to play or anything!" he struggled to get out of his pokemons grasp but to no avail did he escape.

Xerneas sat, gently putting their trainer so they layed on their front of their front leg.

"X-Xerneas? Xerneas, let me up!" he whined only to be pushed back down by the other front leg of the pokemon, he was terrified, was the pokemon really going to turn against him and hurt him?! Just then he felt something hit against his backside to which he cried out in pain. He turned around to look at his pokemon.

"X-Xerne- Ow!" he cried out as Xerneas' front leg collided with him again.

This repeated over and over for a few moments.

"Ow! Owww! S-Stop! Pl- Ow!" He cried out, first starting to sniffle and whimper before he began to cry and wail.

"Ouch! Pleaaaa- Ow! Stop!" he wailed, beginning to kick his legs, knowing this was all he could do since if he tried to get up he would only be pushed back down again and even if he did manage to get away, Xerneas was, taller, faster and stronger then him and this would start all over again. He just held on to the pokemons front leg, half hugging it.

"Owww! I'm sorry!!" he yelled, beginning to realise why this was all happening and soon after a final two smacks, it all stopped and he was left to sob against Xerneas front leg.

Xerneas curled there front leg around their trainer and moved them up with the other one, to which immediately made the young boy throw himself into Xerneas, hugging them and crying into their fur. The legendary pokemon leaned down nuzzling against his cheek. The boy looked up at the face of Xerneas to which Xerneas looked back, but with a look that almost made it seem as if the pokemon was trying to tell him to do something, which to him seemed something along the lines of.

"You are to apologise to your other pokemon, for treating them so badly when they tried to cheer you up."

The trainer nodded slightly and just continued to hug Xerneas, feeling his pokemon continue to nuzzle him and pet his back gently.

I hope you all like it~! c: If it's fine I'd love to see comments~! c:>



Registered: July 2013
Location: Neverland
Posts: 4,430
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Date: Tue April 22, 2014
Views: 2,893
Tags: 17
Filesize: 135.5kb
Dimensions: 574 x 630
Keywords: pokemon xerneas trainer xm

VIP Donator
We all know thats what A LOT of pokemon trainers might really need! A good old fashioned spanking from their strongest pokemon :3
#1 Tue April 22, 2014 15:48

Demonic witch
Xerneas looks so beautiful sketched like that X3
#2 Tue April 22, 2014 16:23

Pikachu X
Gold Member
Adorable picture and also this is why it's important to take care of your Pokemon
#3 Tue April 22, 2014 17:30

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
#4 Tue April 22, 2014 18:34

Gold Member
I suppose Legendaries could take on a "Parental" role in their trainers' lives....
#5 Tue April 22, 2014 20:03

Smol fren
The anatomy here is very strange; Xerneas is a deer, and deer legs don't bend that way. Speaking of legs... Is this a three-legged amputee Xerneas? The right hind leg is gone entirely.

Also, as tall and strong as a Xerneas is, and as heavy and hard as their legs would be, this wouldn't be a 'spanking', this would break the Trainer's bones, especially taking into account that Trainer age ranges are generally 10-14.

But I guess I can see where your sentiment came from, even if such a scenario would be impossible for any quadruped Pokemon.
#6 Wed April 23, 2014 18:20

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