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Home » Active Resident Artists » Okamishonen


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This is an amusing concept from ages ago. Doruki's people are gifted with certain magics and abilities that humans and the other races are not. One such ability is that of Animation. The ability to infuse a small piece of lifeforce to an inanimate object and give it life. Namely, in this instance, an old fashioned spanking paddle. |D Her father is an absolute troll :I He went so far as to give it wings and a small amount of intelligence, enough to chide and swat her whenever she'd swear or misbehave, and even laugh at her if she decided to argue back at it. It even has sense not to let her grab hold of it, knowing she'd try to smash it to pieces. Its no wonder the bloody thing ended up locked in a chest, hidden in her attic.

Just a little sketch for now. I'll finish it someday. =p After my pile of other stuff to do is cleared up |D



Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
Posts: 8,696
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Date: Fri October 31, 2014
Views: 2,164
Tags: 10
Filesize: 223.8kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: cute demon devil flying paddle

Immortal Commenter
Reminds me of something me and Bibby discussed XD
#1 Fri October 31, 2014 16:11

@Cante: That doesn't shock me very much xP You guys are always hatching up fun ideas =p lol I will say though, that aside, I really wanna do more with this. xP
#2 Sat November 1, 2014 04:54

Dr. Weird
So, why the sudden switch into Japanese if you don't mind my asking? The idea is cute & clever too, mind--it sounds like the start of some old, animated Disney short. But that bit piqued my curiosity.
#3 Sun November 2, 2014 22:57

@Dr. Weird: Actually, I just wanted a fun way to convey the paddle's mocking laughter without going with the typical 'mwahaha' bit. So I thought it may be fun to use the little Japanese onomatopoeia system some artists like to use in manga. And once I did the paddle's side, Ruki's side seemed a tad lacking, so I found the little vein-pop sound effect and added it in for her. Just something I did on a whim really. |D Though I do enjoy it. Also, glad you enjoy the actual idea, I plan to make it a recurring theme in some later works. Should make for some fun pictures.
#4 Mon November 3, 2014 03:02

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