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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » RobM » - RobMs Spanking Comics - Animated


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WITNESS ME SPANKBAG! I, Imadmin Rob, shall die shiney and chrome and Spank Eternal on the Fetish Road! I am awaited! Awaited in Valhalla!!
Oh what a day, what a lovely day!!

WITNESS... ME...!!

# # # # #

I saw a great movie, one without much in the way of spanking references (and I'm quite capable of rationalising them into anything if I have to and want to put in the effort) but full of amazing scenes.
So yeah, Mad Max Fury Road spanking art~

If you haven't seen Mad Max: Fury Road I expect this comic page isn't -quite- as funny~
If you haven't seen Mad Max: Fury Road - Go and see it. It's a fucking masterpiece. I too am one of those strange individuals who thinks it's the best single action film of the last decade.
I was thoroughly entertained!

The right is reserved by myself for more Puns and references to be made at all opportunities.
I'm going to include a link to the action scene that inspired the main pose but I actually will SUGGEST ONLY watching it if you don't intend to watch the film or already have seen it.
It's a scene (among many) that benefits from being seen in context and may lose flavour in isolation.

It's a scene filled with such energy and joy - yet hautingly creepy in its overt glorificiation of martyrdom by those in a twilightly half-life. Utterly beautiful, exciting, tense, elegant and yet violent and vulgar.

# # # # #

This idea's been in my head for a while now. It's taken a while to execute because of the animated segements. I've been wanting for a long while to make an animated comic page like this from scratch and this is my first real attempt at doing the whole thing from new, not a recycled static image.
A few other things I wanted to do - the flashing impact strike from the paddle, for example - just didn't work out right and was removed, I also wanted to animate the motion lines in the centre but it just didn't quite come through so this was made static.

Really, really would appreciate some feedback on this, I know it's not the smoothest entry into the animated GIF category and it doesn't contain an actual spank-strike. Needless to say, animating multiple panels is a bastard creating a lot of layers and folders in my graphics program but I'm satisfied to post this result.
It's 6 frames, played at a rate of roughly 8 FPS, I think for a future animation to get smoothless and to ensure SFX and flavour-text hangs around long enough I should in future do at least 10 frames?

Just remember: If someone is going to go out with a bang, then Mina is definately the most delightful and splendid target!
I do admit to adoring the idea of the final no-defence-leap, the one event that's too good to pass up. Just that oh-so-perfect YOLO moment~

I've kept Mina's costume from the somewhat successful Mina's Montage.
It's the one skirt option that is quite like her normal clothes~

Comments welcome and encouraged~


~Sweetest Cyanide~

Registered: February 2007
Location: Sweet Isles
Posts: 3,592
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Date: Fri September 18, 2015
Views: 10,326
Tags: 7
Filesize: 2813.7kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1250
Keywords: animation comic manga animated gif mina demoness demon redhair paddle twohanded madmax max parody jump action mf

~Sweetest Cyanide~
#1 Sat September 19, 2015 00:00

VIP Donator
That is completely mad,your sacrifice will not go unnoticed bards will sing songs of praise
#2 Sat September 19, 2015 00:51

Super Kami Guru
Gold Member
This is great. I'm glad someone, anywhere, finally made a mad max fury road reference!
#3 Sat September 19, 2015 01:21

Demonic princess
HO MY !! D8<

No need to say you'r dead ! And i'll make sure NOONE remember of that sacrifice >: C

.....Lovely dress i'm wearing.
#4 Sat September 19, 2015 02:11

Shadow Artist
Oh my, fully animated comic page? Nice work there!

I really need to go and watch that movie soon.
It's too highly recommended to ignore.
#5 Sat September 19, 2015 05:13

Battlemech Mercanary
Yeah Mina. Your still not scary.
#6 Sat September 19, 2015 05:29

Artist of the Damned
That would be one for each Demonic buttock. X3
Honestly, I'm surprised you caught Mina when she wasn't napping under a tree. Le snicker !

I saw the trailer for Fury Road a while back when Twig sent me a link. It looked damned awesome, and I plan on getting my hands on the DVD when I get some spare money available. Adding the shadow from your animated hand was a nice touch in the first panel. And did you use Gaussian Blur to make the background unfocused ? On the second panel I've actually used the same technique as you have for making blades of grass, it saves time and looks pretty cool when done right. I think it was when I did the Bawl of Cthulhu sketch. https://animeotk.com/gallery/showphot...thulhu/cat/819

Yes, I remembered correctly. Yay me ! But you dedicated yourself to do an entire panel of it, gutsy move there, and it worked. I like how Mina's pig-tails flip up when the impacts land where they will do the most good.

BTW, that tiny butterfly is soooo cute. Also your hands are looking better ! I noticed a small mistake in panel two, Mina seems to be missing the shoulder strap on her right side. It's a minor thing but it caught my eye.

And now I will pray for your poor arse. X3
#7 Sat September 19, 2015 22:59

~Sweetest Cyanide~
@ Izumi; Superkami; Many thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the piece~

@CM_Z; Do make all effort to enjoy it on a big screen with good sound - I believe it will reward you.

@Shadowsong; Mina is scary - where else would the challenge of provoking her come from? ^^

@Mina; Bit late to deny it happened when flocks of birds are leaping startled from the trees at the sound of your yelling~
The demoness is definately attractive in nylons or leggings~

@Circe; As stated ad nauseum, I believe the film to be excellent~
Yah, I used a bit of guasian to make the edges of the tree foliage blend a bit, the same a touch for the trees. It's got a little pixelated by the animation at times but its an affect I was pleased with.
A lot of what I'm doing is practicing flavour-text. The next mini-project (before I go back to the Power Rangers: Discipline Force comic) will be very intensely focused on character animations and movements rather than this fluff as the constraints of the concept won't allow moving backgrounds. So it's things like hands and hair flicks, butterflys and birds.
If the next one also comes out good then I can look at more complicated projects.
Thank you for the compliments and the observations~ Gaaah, shoulder-straps... next time I'll draw her in a gypsy top~
#8 Sun September 20, 2015 02:06

Moé Princess
Always good to see new art from you. I'm digging this animation too. Really fluid and not overdone. Kudos. ^^
#9 Sun September 20, 2015 03:30

Half ass doodler
Oh my god I seriously just watched that movie 20 minutes ago XD!! That's hilarious
#10 Sun September 20, 2015 04:01

VIP Donator
My roommates reference this all the time, BUT THIS IS AWESOME!!!!
#11 Wed September 23, 2015 01:19

~Sweetest Cyanide~
@Pastel; Thanks dear~ I'm glad you're finding it fluid~

@Aub; That is a funny cooincidence~

@Ironfang; Well, you have a new reference to use back at them, any time you leap into something do so yelling 'Witness me!!' ^^
#12 Wed September 23, 2015 21:14

VIP Donator
This is AWESOME!
#13 Sun January 14, 2018 09:31

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