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Home » Contests and Collections » El Manto Negro's Competition III


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In a far away land, deep in the south, there is a princess who personally leads her nations soldiers into battle. By her side is a group of woman, acting as the princess's personal guard. Each of this woman was personally chosen by the princess general herself.
Not only do they have the task of defending their princess, but also have to act as the princess's servants from time to time, attending her every whim.
Each of the princess's guards receives a special present, a chainmail armour of small size. Whenever someone has "servant" instead of guard duty, our slightly perverted princess wants them to wear her "gift" while doing so, for her personal enjoyment.
This particular two newcomers here made the mistake of trying to get rid of the embarrassing pieces of armour. The princess does not like this kind of disrespect and will make sure to let the two women feel her displeasure. Even though this "showing of displeasure" actually is much to the princess's enjoyment.


Shadow Artist

Registered: March 2007
Location: Germany
Posts: 1,568
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Date: Tue October 2, 2007
Views: 7,327
Tags: 22
Filesize: 450.1kb
Dimensions: 1200 x 922
Keywords: contest ff hand nc cornertime fantasy

The Oscar
Very funny CM_zero, and again two glowing butts
#1 Tue October 2, 2007 15:55

Demonic princess
lol fun !
#2 Tue October 2, 2007 17:07

Senior Member
Chainmail bikinis ? That just doesn't sound comfortable.

Original idea and good execution, as usual with your drawings !
#4 Tue October 2, 2007 20:59

Hehe yeah I agree, chainmail bikinis sounds very uncomfortable! Haha, no wonder they tried to hide them!

Very nice~
#5 Tue October 2, 2007 21:02

If the chainmail bikinis are embarrassing, what about wearing chainmail bikinis AND having a red, freshly spanked butt ? The dinner guests will surely notice.
#6 Tue October 2, 2007 21:56

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Cor, Poor girls. I do like girls naked from the waist down, or from the waist up, or totally nude, I guess.
The stockings and suspenders aren't exactly the most flattering things to wear even to start!

Well, those two Adjudents will learn from this, I'm certain~
It's always nice to see them getting reminded who is boss, especially so forcefully as this. It's also refreshing to see a dominatrix who can revel and enjoy her role without embaressment - the girls below her must serve her perversions without question~ Hihihi.

I assume the princess's army is on campaign since looks like an army tent she's chosen for this impromptue spanking.
At least she's got it in hand and will be making sure that her general staff and servants follow her every order and whim.
This is a nice spanking scene and once again you show your skills at colouring... I'm stunned.
#7 Tue October 2, 2007 22:57

better a chain bikini but
a chain glove for the spanker

excellent work

#8 Sat October 13, 2007 20:27

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