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Home » Active Resident Artists » Communal Gallery » Communal Archive 2007


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Ok here he Char from mine and Arkham-Insanity's rp though the rp is on hold that does not mean I can not draw Char getting in trouble. I am still working on spanking pic. but right before and after scenes will just have too work.

Char: hmmm should I break it or not?

(off sence Flames) I would not do that iif I were you. You already wrote your naame on the wall.

Char: so me can blame it on Ed.

(off sence Flames) Great ya Like to see you get away with that one.

Char: oh Me will get away with it.

Obito Uchiha

Ninja's! Are Attacking!

Registered: June 2007
Location: Akatsuki Hideout
Posts: 5,516
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Date: Wed October 17, 2007
Views: 3,918
Tags: 1
Filesize: 49.4kb
Dimensions: 962 x 713
Keywords: tobreakornottobreak

Senior Member
I think Ed's a bad infulance on Char he takes after to many of his bad habits.
#1 Wed October 17, 2007 13:31

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
I agree tankcop but hey what can we do about it? Roy is their Father.
#2 Wed October 17, 2007 13:44

#4 Wed October 17, 2007 19:19

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Me: *dressed in an angel costume* No little Charmeleon, do not break it. It is not the right thing to do, and- *kicked aside*
Me: *dressed in a devil costume* Ed's right, break that thing!
#5 Wed October 17, 2007 21:32

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Lol I hope you guys realiza if smashes the thing he is gonna blame Poor Ed for it. *evil smirk* which is ok hehe.

Char: *aims the sling fires hit and smashing the vase* haha I did it!
#6 Wed October 17, 2007 22:47

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Angel Me: *sighs, and floats off* Oh Rooooooy...
Devil Me:...RUUUUUUUUN!!!! *vanishes in a puff of smoke*
Me: Hey, I'm safe. ^_^
#7 Wed October 17, 2007 23:04

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
You are safe but Char will not be safe for long whenRoy get to him.
#8 Wed October 17, 2007 23:59

Senior Member
Shame...shame Char!

I hope your happy as you see poor Ed getting his bare bottom spanked for something you did!
#9 Thu October 18, 2007 00:59

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Char: *giggles* Oh me is very happy because me is not talking the blame.
#10 Thu October 18, 2007 01:07

Senior Member
TC: *Grins and points to the wall* But you will get blamed for that! I don't think you can make Ed take the balme for doing YOUR NAME! ^_^ hehehehe!
#11 Thu October 18, 2007 01:31

Junior Member
((chants)) Break it Break it!!!


edited because arkham-insanity beat me to it bleh!!!
#12 Thu October 18, 2007 02:58

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Char: That is what you think tankcop but me can say Ed was trying to frame me. *evil laugh*
#13 Thu October 18, 2007 04:07

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
lol halo-N-horns you are funny. Yes Char did Smash it.
#14 Thu October 18, 2007 04:08

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Angel-Me: *floats back with Roy. Points at the wall, the slingshot, the vase, and Char* Happy to help. *sits back*
Me: Oooooo, busted, ooooo! OW! *hit with a rock* Was that really neccesary?!
Angel-Me: *nods*
#15 Thu October 18, 2007 23:34

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Char: uh oh *runs off*
Flames: Yes he is busted.

Me: lol you got hit with a rock.*laughs* I am glad people enjoy my work here even if it is not the best.^^
#16 Fri October 19, 2007 00:18

Junior Member
LOL to cute!!! Do we all get to toss rocks at AngelicImpurity now??

I am very fumiliar with the battle between angel and devil... thus the name Halo(angel) N Horns (Devil) Im two two two brats in one!!

Sooo flames whats gunna happen to char now?!?!?

#17 Sat October 20, 2007 01:34

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Yes we *evil laugh*

lol I love your username it so creavitie^^

Well that one I am trying to decide. Should I draw Roy giving it to Ed and beliving Char? Or should I Draw Char getting it from Roy not beliving Char.

#18 Sat October 20, 2007 01:56

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Me: *hides* Why must I get pelted with rocs? Oh, and Roy giving it to Char, plus more for blaming Ed. *ducks from a rock* Help?
Devil Me: Hey, I'M getting brownie points! *is helping Angel Me pull Char back to Roy*
#19 Sat October 20, 2007 03:47

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Me: OK Roy giving it to Char it is.
Char: what now why would he hurt me? I am only one.
Flames: Easy becuase you broke the vase and not Ed.
Char: *Growls and flings more rocks*
Me: where does he get those?
#20 Sat October 20, 2007 04:16

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Me: *ducks behinds Flames* That kid is ANGRY.
#21 Sun October 21, 2007 12:54

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Flames: Yes he can get very mad. My dad will get him.

Char: NO dad will get Ed.

Flames: we will see Char.
#22 Sun October 21, 2007 15:22

Junior Member
#23 Sun April 27, 2008 23:19

Senior Member
He's cute! And I love vase - I want one! Good job &lt;3<br>
#24 Sat May 23, 2009 20:54

Obito Uchiha
Ninja's! Are Attacking!
Haha thanks naru-chan-ne! These are all such old arts. XD<br>
#25 Sat May 23, 2009 22:25

Gold Member
he's so gonna get it
#26 Sun July 10, 2011 00:54

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