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My commission to Palcomix

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Mad Commissioner

Registered: March 2007
Location: Italy
Posts: 923
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Date: Wed October 24, 2007
Views: 22,703
Tags: 104
Filesize: 274.2kb
Dimensions: 800 x 1147
Keywords: fm otk fours hand pokemon ash ketchum delia pikachu mother son watched

The one and only hippie
haha, the pokemon's reactions are always priceless.
#1 Wed October 24, 2007 18:17

Love Pikachu's face xD
#2 Wed October 24, 2007 18:18

Because Words Matter
Yeah! Cute picture, though I don't know if I like Ash's position - seems kind of casual, leaning on one arm.... not really too... y'know.... concerned.


Still really cool ^o^ Thanks for the commish, Rai!
#3 Wed October 24, 2007 18:45

Gold Member
wow.... always wanted to see him being spanked by his mom.
#4 Wed October 24, 2007 19:03

Ageless Al
Senior Member
Pft, Ash never stays at home long enough for this to happen. Though, come to of it, that might be the why he's getting this one...

Another great picture. You keep making me want to commission them, Raiern.
#5 Wed October 24, 2007 19:05

Junior Member
another great work & another victory for us, Thank you very much.
#6 Wed October 24, 2007 19:39

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Too awesome!
#8 Wed October 24, 2007 21:59

Junior Member
Very nice! Thanks.
#9 Thu October 25, 2007 02:23

Great pic, I love it. I will download it as soon as I stopped laughing

Greetings Kager
#11 Fri October 26, 2007 10:49

Thats SWEET! I always wanted to see this!^^ His mom did look like the spanking type.

Awesome Job!
#12 Sun October 28, 2007 04:06

So, this is what is meant by "doing a Delia" and I thought it was about cookery. Anyway, it explains why Ash spends so little time at home.
#13 Sun October 28, 2007 11:47

Daddy of a Bratty Lemur
Everybody knows he needs, deserves, and warrants tons of otk time!
#14 Fri November 2, 2007 20:29

Junior Member
wajaja wajaja
like the picture
#16 Thu November 15, 2007 20:53

Junior Member
I can so see this happening!!!
#17 Tue November 27, 2007 03:32

Divine Justice
Hmm... I can sort of see this happening, although Ash is not home enough for it to happen... He's always off traveling, not to mention his mother is generally a sweet person. Then again, it's the sweet people who generally hide the vicious temper underneath in anime, right? So maybe it could happen.

There are however, a variety of reasons why I can see this happening:

1. Delia finds out Ash DID NOT change his underwear everyday.

2. Ash rarely calls home. That's pretty ungrateful.

3. Even though Ash stops being such an arrogant jerk, he's still pretty full of himself. Maybe he got smart with Delia or something.

4. Ash is training his Pokemon and destroys part of the house. More than likely.

So sorry for going off on an analysis, but I'm offering a full fledged critique. The art itself is absolutely wonderful. Delia certainly looks angry, Pikachu has a classic "Oh dear God..." look on it's face and Ash looks like he's in pain. Not to mention everything else is well done. Nice coloration, texture, background, shading, all the stuff. Excellent.
#20 Thu December 20, 2007 01:06

Junior Member
Thats sweet
#21 Mon December 24, 2007 01:47

Senior Member
her name is delia? wow, i didnt know that. you learn something new every day, huh...
#24 Sun January 27, 2008 04:47

VIP Donator
Palcomix pictures are always magnificent, I hope we will see some more in the future.
More Pokemon spankings! XD
#27 Wed September 10, 2008 23:41

This is the best Pokemon pic I've seen.
#29 Fri November 21, 2008 14:34

Junior Member
<P>love it!!</P>
#32 Wed April 8, 2009 01:31

#35 Wed July 15, 2009 19:50

Senior Member
imagine if the mother spanks pikachu XD
#36 Tue July 13, 2010 08:13

Junior Member
#37 Wed August 4, 2010 22:49

sailor anime
Probationary User
great! ash deservs it 3 reasons 1. he's acting like a jerk 2. he never calls home 3. she's pissed off
#38 Sat November 19, 2011 14:37

brock would probably be jealous of ash! maybe he can offer to be ash's whipping boy and take delia's spanking instead?
#39 Tue October 2, 2012 02:20

The spanker of Mewtwo
HE getting what he deserve
#40 Tue November 25, 2014 00:56

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