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Home » Active Resident Artists » Okamishonen


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Thiiis was stream shenanigans from quite a little while back xD Everyone in this pic is relative to someone who was in the stream when I began drawing it~ =u=
Effectively the story of the pic: The 'Smol Squad' (initially Peach, Kriss and Gutter) there were having a sleepover. And being LOUD and BRATTY. :T And Wuffy enacted the use of a giant paddle to make them behave. *nods*
Honestly, I forget what brought this pic about, aside from those three bratting in stream chat. xD Either way, I'm pleased with how the work itself came out. And then Animegirl2012 did -awesome work on the coloring. x3

now :T top to bottom:

The pixie-brat Peach belongs to Peachtea on Aotk

Jack the army gurl belongs to Jack of Aotk

Gutter the android boi belongs to Gutter-Waif of Aotk/DA - https://www.deviantart.com/gutter-waif

Kriss the panda belongs to Kriss of Aotk/DA - https://www.deviantart.com/krazykris96/

The Raccoon Butt belongs to Scrounge, whom I don't know where to credit to. :T

Coloring (and prolly bratty Susan laughing somewhere off screen) is by the wonderful Animegirl2012 - https://www.deviantart.com/animegirl2012



Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
Posts: 8,696
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Date: Wed August 1, 2018
Views: 2,430
Tags: 21
Filesize: 2570.3kb
Dimensions: 2000 x 1500
Keywords: android brat chase chibi cute fairy human paddle panda pixie racoon robot spanking wolf

Hehehehehe!! Glad to see this finally finished! Great work by two great artists!

...HEY WAIT! I aint a smol! I'm a tough but fair Dom, damn it!!!
#1 Wed August 1, 2018 06:21

Is adorbs
#2 Wed August 1, 2018 06:27

Is sooooo goood and soooo cuuute
#3 Wed August 1, 2018 14:34

the rest of my comment did show but YALL DID A GREAT JOB
#4 Wed August 1, 2018 14:35

Gold Member
I love these pics with members of the site. Makes it feel more like a family haha. Anyways keep up the awesome work!
#5 Wed August 1, 2018 21:25

It's Morphing Time!
Fly for your life, little Peach Fairy! D:
#6 Wed August 1, 2018 22:04

@Gutter: The word you're looking for.. is 'Switch'* .. yeh. =u= *nodnods* glad you like it, btw~

@Cailin: thankies, brat~ =u=

@Peachi: Also thankies, brat =p highly pleased you like it, being you're one of the participants XP

@That Guy: Heeh~ I do agree. ^^ It's -alot- like a little dysfunctional family. x3 thankies~!

@Jac Ranger: She better. =u= three bottoms are on the line~
#7 Wed August 1, 2018 23:06

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