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This can be considered a continuation of https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...-panda/cat/500

Mina has been getting chased by Wuff for a while, now. Getting caught, spanked a bit, escaping and then repeating! she's lost his bottle of absinthe, he's lost his paddle. But this is where it ends. The naughty panda is finally caught, and is being punished soundly. u.u

Mina (panda version) belongs to Mina, of course!

Wuff is mine x3



Registered: August 2007
Location: Redding, CA
Posts: 8,696
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Date: Sat May 11, 2019
Views: 2,823
Tags: 23
Filesize: 561.9kb
Dimensions: 1500 x 1500
Keywords: cute panda spanking wolf wuff wuffy mina grumpy crying tantrum wheelbarrow position

Gold Member
Poor Mina, but she brought it onto herself. I would give her a reward for taking the spanking like a good girl, but that is just me lol
#1 Sat May 11, 2019 01:33

Demonic princess
*The panda girl rubs her bottom* >: Of course it ask revenge >:
#2 Sat May 11, 2019 02:49

The fist banging is a great detail lol
#3 Sat May 11, 2019 03:05

Wuffy. Why your leg is broken??
#4 Sat May 11, 2019 04:51

Battlemech Mercanary
@Mina: Revenge just gets ya spanked again.

Nice work Wuff.
#5 Sat May 11, 2019 06:15

Gold Member
@Mina: You know I love seeing you get spanked! *giggles* Teaching the demoness a bit of humility.
#6 Sat May 11, 2019 06:16

@Reapermania: That she did, and yes! I agree. x3 Wuffy is very much the hugging type, after a spanking. She'll get some good comfort, at least u.u

@Miina: Revenge is how you keep ending up with such a hot bottom =p

@Seraphina: Why thank you~ x3 I wasn't sure what to do with her arm initially, so it was just sort of a random choice. x3

@Yami: It's not XP It's just bent a little funny u.u

@Shadowsong: thank ya~! and oh, she knows. I think that's the plan half the time >3>

@Nitrogen: We all love it~ and well, that's the panda, not the demon x3
#7 Sat May 11, 2019 15:41

The Spanking Ghoul.
Should have popped her shorts off to really give her something to think about
#8 Sat May 11, 2019 16:27

@Jamie: It was considered! but in that position? Oof. her daddy Jian would be beating down Wuff's door the next day xD
#9 Sat May 11, 2019 16:45

It's Morphing Time!
I love seeing a well-spanked panda brat~
#10 Sat May 11, 2019 17:32

Artist of the Damned
That's Mina's best side. Her backside. It's seen so often in various shades of pink and red.
I like the Bamboo logo on her headphones. ^_~
#11 Sat May 11, 2019 21:31

#1 Adorable Naughty Neko
Naughty Mina! *Chuckles* ^3^
#12 Sun May 12, 2019 01:52

Demonic Vassal
Le sigh.... this is what Mina gets for breaking into Wuff's tower so much, a well deserved papping. V__V You got that pose and position nice and dynamic, it's awesome and suggests movement and chasing... and not just Mina's buttocks! She's clearly been caught running away and trying to crawl away from the spanking, and with that fist pounding she's clearly crying for her daddy.... Who'll take those shorts down and give her some smacks and scolds of his own before she gets cuddled like this... V___V https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...mfort/cat/1002

And like Circe said, the bamboo logo is an awesome detail!
#13 Sun May 12, 2019 09:02

@JacRanger: You and me both~ u.u It's a good thing to happen.

@Circe: What can be said? Warm colors compliment those buns well! =p

@Rori: Yes. Yes she is. u.u

@Robert: It's the best way for a rough, spanky day to end~ all cuddled up and feeling very loved~ and I'm glad you both thought to mention the bamboo logo. x3 I was unreasonably proud of it at the time and well. still am. :T
#14 Mon May 13, 2019 15:10

Love the pose, love the Spankee's whole demeanor!!!! So good and cute
#15 Mon May 13, 2019 17:51

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