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Home » Contests and Collections » AnimeOTK's Spanking Video Games Screenshots - No CGI


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Yes, the game is done and now free to download, there's a PC and a MAC version.

You can post any comments about the game here and if you need help or if you find glitches, post it in the forum section.

I sincerly hope it will please you all !

PC VERSION: https://gofile.io/d/8UZG4J
MAC VERSION: https://gofile.io/d/Nn57n6


Demonic princess

Registered: March 2007
Location: The Forbidden Forest
Posts: 4,316
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Date: Tue June 25, 2019
Views: 12,004
Tags: 30
Filesize: 844.0kb
Dimensions: 1040 x 649
Keywords: mina circe forbidden forest

Artist of the Damned
Here it is, our baby !
All of our hard work is about to blossom!
#1 Tue June 25, 2019 00:05

Demonic princess
Yeah, well, let's just hope it work good and that peoples like it, Circe dear ^_^!
#2 Tue June 25, 2019 00:06

Gold Member
#3 Tue June 25, 2019 00:07

Senior Member
#4 Tue June 25, 2019 00:19

#5 Tue June 25, 2019 00:39

I... I'm gonna give my soul to this game? I... I want to fanart? Breathing what? Sleep who? Oh I am definitely taking breaks to play this soon.
#6 Tue June 25, 2019 00:56

Very Bad Little Girl!
Wow surprise us with dl here instead of normal on the forum! Tricksieeeeeee Minassssssss.
#7 Tue June 25, 2019 01:00

Gold Member
Am I able to spank Mina in this game if so I'm down for it.
#8 Tue June 25, 2019 01:13

VIP Donator
No questions asked. Downloaded
#9 Tue June 25, 2019 01:39

Because Words Matter
I caaaan't waaaaait
#10 Tue June 25, 2019 01:52

Senior Member
You can't please me. Nothing pleases meeee! soooo lonely. soooo unpleased. can't wait to play it.
#11 Tue June 25, 2019 02:35

Ultra-Supreme Lil Bro
I really liked it so far!

I won't spoil anything(Don't wanna Mina to spank me,lol!) But I already got past the second boss (I really thought I was gonna die there for a instant,though! )

But all this was just after I got a Game Over on purpose on the first enemy just to see what would the Game Over screen look like! ( ...Oooops,maybe I shouldn't have said THAT outloud... ^_^; )
#12 Tue June 25, 2019 03:08

Gold Member
I'm looking forward to playing this. It'll be a while before I can do that, as I am running Linux due to being a cheapskate, but when I do have the opportunity, I'll do that and give proper feedback.
#13 Tue June 25, 2019 04:54

Battlemech Mercanary
Dose this game prove how not scary you are Mina? (JK) Looks nice. I'll give it a download.
#14 Tue June 25, 2019 05:39

The Young Bratling
Coolio. Good job Mina!
#15 Tue June 25, 2019 05:40

It's Morphing Time!
I never knew I wanted this, but BOY do I want it now!
#16 Tue June 25, 2019 05:41

VIP Donator
If You get the one or other session over a lap, I'm sure to like it dear Mina. Pardon me but that sexy set of buns you got is made to be spanked. Can't disagree they do look good...
#17 Tue June 25, 2019 07:24

Gold Member
Oh wow, I'll defintely have to check this out, Miss Mina. This little Kit has felt your corrective hand before!
#18 Tue June 25, 2019 07:27

VIP Donator
the download doesn't work , at least for me. the gofile page openend but nothing happened. Do I need to create an account there?
#19 Tue June 25, 2019 11:09

A few spelling mistakes but the game is awesome! >w
#20 Tue June 25, 2019 11:39

This is really cute so far! I've only been playing for about twenty minutes, but I've already found two spanking scenes and I'm enjoying the story otherwise, so I'm definitely enjoying myself.
Nicely done!
#21 Tue June 25, 2019 12:16

Very Bad Little Girl!
@dirtyferdi No, just click the download link on that page. The DOWN FACING ARROW one.
#22 Tue June 25, 2019 12:16

Senior Member
how do I use RAR files?
#23 Tue June 25, 2019 13:45

Demonic princess
You have to use a program to open the .rar files.

Also, as it look like everyone love the game so far, just now a second and a third one will come out.

As it's all the demoness story, you still have to see Robert, Circe and many other friends.
#24 Tue June 25, 2019 15:23

Senior Member
How do you open the file?
#25 Tue June 25, 2019 15:23

VIP Donator
It is a lovely retro RPG, reminding a little of suikoden yet. The spanking screens' (sadly no animations) are whats special. Lots of story and grammar errors lol
...and very humoristic
#26 Tue June 25, 2019 15:34

Demonic princess
I was an huge fan of Suikoden. That's maybe why you can feel the spirit of it in the game. Also, yes, sorry for the grammar errors in the game. I can use english pretty well but i still have to learn, even after all those years.
#27 Tue June 25, 2019 16:03

Senior Member
I'm enjoying the game so far.

But am I the only one who keeps thinking of Mez as Robert?
#28 Tue June 25, 2019 16:15

Very Bad Little Girl!
To open .rar files, use 7ZIP! It also opens .zip, .7z and almost all other forms of compressed package files.
#29 Tue June 25, 2019 17:34

Demonic princess
When a human become one of the demoness servant, he get yellow eyes and red hairs. That's why Mez can look like robert a bit.
#30 Tue June 25, 2019 17:36

I got the file open, but when I click on the game itself it won't open. Google is no help, so if anyone has a Mac and has gotten it open please help if you can!
#31 Tue June 25, 2019 18:42

Senior Member
Don't know if it's just my end, but i'm trying to use the PC download link and it's not showing up, Mac download link works just fine though.
#32 Tue June 25, 2019 19:26

this game is really great, I would enjoy playing it even without the spanking scenes...as for animating them, a simple two frame animation would work well with the mouse click alternating between them.
#33 Tue June 25, 2019 20:02

VIP Donator
pc version download does not work :'(
#34 Tue June 25, 2019 20:03

Senior Member
If you have problems running the game just open the "index.html" file found in the "www" folder with Firefox (can't guarantee for other browsers).

I use this method to play on Linux which is unsupported, the game works fine.
Also this method works for all the games created with RPG Maker MV.

Oh, the game is a masterpiece BTW, good work Mina & Circe.
The only issue is that I don't know the location of the forest in real life, can you help me with that?
#35 Tue June 25, 2019 20:31

Gold Member
I loved this game, I made sure I finished it first before I peaked at the spanking scenes in the files. Very good work everyone who worked on it.

For those who haven't played it yet, its VERY worth it to beat the game. ^^
#36 Tue June 25, 2019 22:25

Demonic princess
Thank you everyone for the comments, i think i really can start to work on the second game.
#37 Tue June 25, 2019 23:26

Senior Member
honestly i wasnt sure how to feel about it going into this game cause its a RPGMaker game but you did an amazing job i love it, im REALLY impressed by this game, good work !!!!!
#38 Tue June 25, 2019 23:31

Senior Member
Really loved your new game, Mina. You go big, girl.

There are some bugs in need of fixing, though.
#39 Wed June 26, 2019 00:11

Senior Member
Only real bugs I found aside from the grammatical errors. In the second town you can walk on rooftops. And there were a few times when selecting something choose a different item. Example. In the dragons cave you can get the notification for taking a nap while clicking on a dress stand.
#40 Wed June 26, 2019 02:07

By all the catnips in the world that was freaking awesome!

I downloaded it yesterday night and stayed hooked all the evening over it, had to break the game in a single row.

It is a beautiful work that you crafted here!
It look pretty, the graphisms are beautiful.
The characters are well depicted, are loveable and have all a nice
We find back all that make the Forbiden Forest universe so attractable: the goofy/dramatic mood, flaming personnality character, continue cute and inovative way to introduce spankings, and solid fantasy jam!
The game play is loveable, the fights mecanic work perfectly and allow to build strategy between the differets skill of your team, and you introduced very smartly the spanking as victory rewards and I especially loved the spanking farming of the bad guys tribes!

Well, I was thrilled! Can't wait to play the next opus!
#41 Wed June 26, 2019 08:52

Oh was about to forgot Circe masterpiece kinky spanking panels, they are awsome and gave all the spice at the spanking sequences!
#42 Wed June 26, 2019 08:54

Gold Member
42idiot thanks, that worked!

This was great, it was everything it needed to be and was actually completed (something a lot of my own projects failed to manage).
#43 Wed June 26, 2019 16:02

Senior Member
I'm very excited to finally be able to play this
#44 Thu June 27, 2019 15:17

Senior Member
Can someone help an old luddite? How does one get past the Orcs without getting killed?
#45 Thu July 4, 2019 01:36

the link is not working :`(
#46 Wed August 7, 2019 23:58

Probationary User
That was fun. Looking forward to a sequel
#47 Fri February 28, 2020 15:26

i love the game, i just have roblens in the save
#48 Mon March 16, 2020 21:52

I cannot download the forbidden forest with the link on zour post. Can zou please help me with this issue?
#49 Sun February 14, 2021 16:33

Probationary User
I want to download it but it seems that the file is no longer there, could you upload it again?
#50 Wed March 3, 2021 02:13

pc link no longer works ._.
#51 Tue March 5, 2024 08:07

Someone 12
Junior Member
re upload plz
#52 Tue July 23, 2024 10:20

Junior Member
I would love to see a squeal!
#53 Fri August 16, 2024 01:24

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