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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Goldeagle


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Elizabeth and Sarah Kensington lived a very privlaged life the daughters of a wealthy English governer. They lived on a sprawling estate outside Philidelphia where they ruled the entire grounds.

They had but one rule. Their father, Lord Kensington expressly forbade them from entering his private quaters. The rest of the mansion was theirs to do with as they pleased. As good dufiful daughters, they gave their word they would obey at least this one order.

Sarah the younger of the two girls, being fifteen, was happily skipping along the upstairs hallway, contiplating what she would do with the rest of her afternoon. She soon found herself in front of her father's office.

She knew she wasn't permitted in there, but being the curios little girl she was, at least wanted to jiggle the handle, it was probably locked anyway, who would know.

She made sure no one was around, for the maids had a tendancy to tattle to her father and disrupt her many schemes. Confident their was no one around she reached for the handle, and to her surprise, it was open.

She recoiled her hand quickly as the door opened a few inches. Her curiosity was at it's highest as she got her first glimpse in the forbiden room.

"It wouldn;t hurt to at least go in, I won't touch anything and I will be gone in a minute." She reasoned with herself as she ever so quietly pushed the door open.

The sight that greeted her wonderfilled eyes was truly inspireing. The room was eleganly furnished, with a large desk at the far end, behind which, a large British Flag hung along the back wall.

her fathers uniform was on a stand next to the desk along with his tricorn hat, trimmed with gold and a white cockade. She continued looking and her eyes went wide when she found her father's bearskin hat, adorned with a black and silver grenedier hat plate.

She could not helpher self, she got her father's uniform of the hanger and put it on. It was too large for her, but she still felt very brave and adventurous, "A brave soldier fighting for the king" she thought to herself.

She then grabbed her father's bearskin hat and put it on, followed by his sword. She just couldn't stop. She grabbed a few more things and quickly went outside.

She made her way with the pilfered goods, to a large tree at the very edge of the estate. After she was sure she was alone, she went about playing with stolen items.

With the red uniform and the black fur hat, she drew the sword and started swinging it, fighting off imaginary pirates. "take that you scallywag." she said as she thrust the sword forward.

"You make such a fierce pirate hunter Sarah." a voice said from behind her.

Sarah quickly turned to find her older sister, by two years, Elizabeth standing there, arms crossed looking smug.

Elizabeth stood staring at her sister, her blond hair flowing freely in the wind. She knew she had her sister in her grasp, she could run and tell daddy so fast sarah wouldn't have time to move one foot forward. She was however intrigued by her younger sisters latest exploits.

"Please Elizabeth, don't tell father. I'll do you chores for a year, I'll even eat your carrots at meal times." Sarah pleaded.

Elizabeth came over to her. She grabbed her fathers bearskin cap off her sister's head and put it on herself. "relax and hand me that sword, I want to play too."

Sarah smiled and handed her sister the sword. She then grabbed a stick to defend herself as the two girls playfully fought each other, shouting en'gaurd.

They played together for at least twenty minutes when their fun was brought to an abrupt end. They heard someone clearing thier throat anf both girls turned to see who it was.

Standing not far away, stood their father, clad only in his waist coat and knee breeches, strockings and shoes, he didn't look quite the same without his red regimental coat.

From their vantage piont, the girls could tell he was furious. He stood with the scowl that he got when the girls were naughty. He out strecthed his arm and motioned for his two disobediant daughters to come to him.

Both girls knew what was coming, As they came closer to thier father, he indictaed that he wanted his belt. Sarah slowly took it off and went to hand it to him. It was at this moment Sarah and Elizabeth couldn't hold back their tears with the realization at what was coming.

At least the woodshed was on this side of the house, every cloud has a silver lining.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Sun March 23, 2008
Views: 3,932
Tags: 2
Filesize: 551.5kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: everycloudhasasilverlining

heres my next one. It might look a liitle funny because I was paying around with the lighting effect of coral painter, don't know if I'll use it again but hey. Thanks,

#1 Sun March 23, 2008 07:20

~Sweetest Cyanide~
The details are present again, really nicely drawn and very colourful~
The way you've drawn the jacket and hats too large for the girls shows perfect awareness too~
I make no comment on the woodshed - not my fave - but the set up is class~
#2 Mon March 24, 2008 00:28

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
The story is really endearing, how Elizabeth joins Sarah in her fun instead of being a tattletale. Their father looks so stern here, and I love the way you draw tears. The sisters look adorable together. I love how the oversize jacket hangs off of Sarah.
#5 Sun April 5, 2015 21:17

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