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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Goldeagle


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Natasha sat quietly in her family's third story apartment, solemly lookiing out the window. Winter had descended on Moscow and that meant months of bitter cold and nothing for a teenage girl to do.

Her mother Svetlana was making supper, cabbag soup again, while they waited for Dmittri to come home.

Dimitri Vladomirovitch was a man totaly convinced of the ways of the Soviet Union. He had risen through the ranks and had become Intelligence directorate at Dherzinksy sqaure and hated everything that the west, and particuly America, stood for.

Natasha and Svetlana did not have to wait long before they heard the heavy fall of his black polished boots coming through the doorway. He entered the meagre apartment and went to greet his family.

Half an hour later they all sat down to dinner.

"So Svetlana, how was your day" he asked gulping down his soup.

'It was about the same, the cold make things hard to do, but we will get used to it in a few days." She answered

"Good, how about you, Natasha, how are things going at Univarsity?"

"The same, nothing ever happens."She answered meekly, not entirely in the conversation.

Dinner passed without much being said and the family went to watch tv. The same show came on at 8:00 tonight just like it did every other night, detailing the heroic exploits of the Soviet military.

Dimirty was always enthralled, while Svetlana would normally quietly knit. natash stared longly out the window. Every now and then when she was sure her father wasn't looking, she would take out a brochure fow Walt Disney world, she had found at the airport.

She longed to be able to go to this place. She longed to be able to go to America, where they have the luxury to devote an entire complex to children, not military things.

Natasha sat looking at the brochure, the colorful charectors coming to life, She often felt as Cinderella did before her fair godmother came to rescue her. She was not half way through it when her father asked her what it was she was looking at.

She froze. She didn't know what to do. "Ah it's nothing, it's just something I got from school is all." She lied hoping he would leave it alone.

"It looks like a report card, give it here and let me see it." her father said coming over to where she was.

She treid to put it away and tell him it was nothing but he grabbed the brochure from her and started reading it over. She could see the anger come to his face. his body tensed.

"You dare bring this into my home?" he said angrily, still looking over the brochure. "This is the very essence of the American enemy and you bring it here?" he shouted at her.

"father please..." Natasha sniffled already starting to cry.

her father grabbed her and led her into the back room. Dimitri was a strict disciplinarian, he loved his family very much but he also belived in a strong hand when the time came for it. he ordered natash to strip.

She did what she was told, not daring to invoke his wrath further. after she was done taking her cloths off, Dimitri leaned Natasha over the table and chose one of the spanking implements. he then began to spank her furiously.

the next day, Natasha found it very difficult to sit on the hard wooden chairs at her school.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Mon March 24, 2008
Views: 5,735
Tags: 12
Filesize: 352.1kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1125
Keywords: disneyworld

I know there isn't a whole lot going on in the background. I inteded it that way. I was trying to capture the blandness of Soviet society. Thanks.

#1 Mon March 24, 2008 06:37

So much detail in the back ground story and so little in the actual spanking. The art's great, don't get me wrong, and you're writing is well done, but I personally like reading the details of the spanking mostly. You have a great way of incorporating historical feelings into pictures, you might try your hand also in the fiction section if you enjoy writing longer stories.

Good work, keep it up.
#2 Mon March 24, 2008 07:10

VIP Donator
In Soviet Russia.. sorry, had to beat the other /b/tards to it. looks very good, goldeagle, and the detail in the background story is awesome.
#4 Tue March 25, 2008 00:45

love it lol yes im still here
#5 Tue March 25, 2008 01:01

Junior Member
FYI paddles are not used in any country outside of US and Canada, because paddles were invented during US slavery.
#7 Fri April 25, 2008 17:31

I myself Russian and let it be known that spanking in schools Rosii canceled back in 1904! So do not do any of the Russian inhuman monsters
#11 Thu January 17, 2013 21:07

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
soviet punishment
#12 Fri July 11, 2014 21:04

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