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Mrs. Lopez got more and more annoyed with her pupil, the pretty blonde who thought she could put the whole World to her hand..
'I so want to teach her a good lesson..!' She thought.
However school rules forbid corporal punishment since a year ago.
She discussed the issue with an older colleague, who laughed: 'Nobody sticks to that new nonsense. We all spank the girls to our hearts content when they need it..! And when you do, make sure she feels it..! Spank her hard and on her bare bottom..!'

She slept one night over it and took Danielle apart, first thing in the morning: 'I want you to come with me.'
Danielle followed her to a small empty room, 'Take your dress off, Danielle..!'

A moment later the haughty girl was sprawled across her lap, her panties down. Mrs. Lopez lifted her hand, but facing the ample roundness of Danielle's buttocks, she decided to take the ruler, she had taken with her.

Danielle yelled and screamed as the wood smacked down on her bare behind no less than 16 times. One smack for each year she was old.

The next day she told her colleague how she had spanked Danielle: ''Gosh, we never use an implement. We believe our hands are capable enough.. Wow (!). You took it seriously.'

The same afternoon Mrs. Lopez had to report to the headmaster, who had heard about the spanking and gave her a choice: Dismissal or the same treatment as Danielle, who would be invited to witness her spanking...

But that is another story, enjoy,




Registered: January 2008
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 520
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Date: Mon March 1, 2021
Views: 3,617
Tags: 18
Filesize: 125.9kb
Dimensions: 1223 x 777
Keywords: otk spanking ff

It's Morphing Time!
Seems Mrs. Lopez was a bit too over zealous for her own good. XD As much as I love a bratty student getting spanked, knowing that the teacher's doomed to get her ruler spanking really makes this story for me. :P
#1 Mon March 1, 2021 17:51

Senior Member
"The student becomes the teacher - even in pain."
#2 Tue March 2, 2021 18:17

Senior Member
Love the story!
#3 Tue March 2, 2021 22:43

Junior Member
Nice story.
#4 Tue March 2, 2021 23:05

Senior Member
Always enjoy a good ruler spanking
#5 Wed March 3, 2021 11:52

Probationary User
Cute little story, I hope we get to see and hear about Mrs. Lopez's comeuppance from the headmaster.
#6 Fri April 23, 2021 12:17

Gold Member
I really enjoy the positioning and the bottoms.well done.Thanks and have a great day.
#7 Fri June 4, 2021 11:34

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