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Lieutenant Halloway had just been promoted to admiral of the east india Fleet. His new rank was admiral Halloway. he was blooming with pride, writing home to his parents in England at every opportunity.

he was also very young in comarison to his peers. Joining the kings royal navy was the best desicion that Halloway had made in his life. Whats more he had met a very beautiful girl, Kate.

She lived in Port Royal in one of the lesser economically developed areas. However, every time he would meet with her, she had plenty of money. She always refused Halloways offerings of shillings.

One day, Admiral Halloway had received his first order from London. 'To search for and destroy all ships of Piracy in the carribean.' Halloway gather his fleet and took to the sea's with a profound sence of duty and pride. He did notice that Kate, had been absent from the send off ceremony. Thinking nothing of it, he vowed to see her when he returned.

It did not take long for Admiral Halloway to find his first target. A small frigate used for sailing past larger ships. The fleet surrounded the ship against an Iseland so that it couldn't escape. When the ship refused to surrender, Halloway order the attack.

The small ship couldn't stand up against the much larger and more powerful English ships of the line. After a couple of volleys, the frigate was reduced to splinters. The crew abandoned it and the blockading ship picked them up, so that they could be tried for piracy.

Halloway stood on the Bridge deck overlooking the prisoners being brought aboard. That is when her and his heart sank. Kate was being drug aboard the flag ship soaking wet and looking distraught.

Halloway made the distance fromt he bridge deck to the main deck in record time so he could correctly identify the girl. His eyes were not decieving him, his girlfriend Kate stood before him, dripping wet looking to the deck to hide her face.

"Sir What would you order us to do?" Halloway's second in command asked.

"Halloway knew he couldn't let Kate go. it would look bad on his as an officer of the fleet. Knowing that, he couldn't have her drug back to Port Rayl in chains to face the gallows either.

"I...Have her...Ugh." Halloway stammered trying to find a suitable solution.

He thought long and hard as his crewlooked to him waiting for his orders.

"All right, we don't know if she is actually a pirate engaging in piracy. She could have been brought aboard that ship against her will."
Halloway said.

"yes sir but look at her tatoo, on her right shoulder." The lieutenant said pulling down Kates dress so that the tattoo could be seen.

Halloway's heart sank even lower, but he continued. "That could have been placed there against her will as well. However, since we don't know the truth, I order that she recieve twenty lashes for her cavorting with Pirates."

The lieutenant didn't look really happy, but he did as he was ordered and strung Kates hands high over her head. ripping the back of her dress off, The lieutenant got the whip and was about to deliver the first lash.

"wait. Let me do it." Halloway said taking the long leather thing into his hands.

Halloway stood back and as he raised the whip he saw Kate look back at him. she knew her punishment was going to hurt, but she was more thankful that he had saved her from the gallows.

Admiral Halloway took a deep breath and brought the whiop down hard against Kate. He cringed as he watched her tense under the pain. he delivered ten of the twenty lashes and every time the whip hit her he could feel it burn into him as well. halfway through the punishment, Halloway had begun to cry.

After her punishment, Kate spent the rest of the voyage recovering in the holds. After their return to Port Royal, Kate was excluded from the know Pirate groups, they were her only way of supporting her self. she was know to be in the graces of the Royal Navy. Kate had begun to accept Halloways offerings.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Tue June 17, 2008
Views: 4,378
Tags: 6
Filesize: 593.0kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: pirate whip spank halloway ship

First pic since my computer crash. Went back to my roots so to speak. let me know what you think.
#1 Tue June 17, 2008 07:04

Senior Member
Strange thing : Navy whippings are by far the most likely to jar me. I'm not quite sure why, but they feel especially harsh and cruel to me.

Fortunately, the story that goes with this drawing makes it different than usual. The punishment is harsh (Kate's back doesn't look pretty right now) but it's also tragic, because Halloway does not want to whip his love, and romantic, because he nevertheless does it to save her life.
#2 Tue June 17, 2008 13:37

Nice fiction to go along with a well drawn picture. Poor Holloway and Kate. I really don't like whippings, but I guess it's appropriate for the time. Good work on the story and the drawing!!
#3 Tue June 17, 2008 18:17

~Sweetest Cyanide~
Very harsh but interesting, once agian your period pieces come with an excellent story behind them~
It's great that you creat characters with such life~

Of course, there hasn't been a naval film yet (Or even a TV drama for that matter) without a good 'ole floggin' in it. Drives me round the bend sometimes, but I guess the call of the homo-eroticism is too strong for them~

I do like this pic~
The track marks the whip left certainly look the part and show attention to detail how you got them to follow the lines of her body~
I would have liked a little more pirate-wenchyness to her clothes (By which I mean bodice and corset) perhaps but a great pic, glad to see you are still on form~
But. That ship. A three masted sloop with no weather deck and consecutive sails? Whatever are those Boston shipwrights smoking?
#5 Tue June 17, 2008 23:53

LOL, rob, yes unfortuantly I don't know a whole lot about sailing vessels so I went with what I thought I knew.

Also yes I had given a lot of thought to trying to give kate a more Pirate look to her, but I really couldn't find a place to do it with her cloths being ripped from her body.
#6 Wed June 18, 2008 01:39

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
vile punishment.
#12 Fri July 11, 2014 21:01

Diamond Stud
The Pouty Artist
I find this tragically romantic. Halloway is backed up against a corner and must punish his cherished love. I know that whipping's harsh, but I love historical romances and this is just... ah, so perfectly nostalgic! The accompanying drawing is so well illustrated. Halloway's stray tear tells us exactly how he feels.
#13 Mon April 6, 2015 17:38

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