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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » forks


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"Der Kochloeffel" - The Cooking Spoon

Over the years, mom had sometimes threatened to spank her with the cooking spoon when she misbehaved. But every time, being the good girl that she was, she had somehow managed to avoid getting spanked altogether! Imagine the tummy-churning anxiety when it became clear that this time, it was actually going to happen!

Anxiety which would quickly give way to a much more urgent distress, as she was soon kicking and yelping with every stinging swat of that spoon. She knew deep down that she deserved this, but it was SO embarrassing, getting spanked over mom's lap like a little kid! And the fire in her bottom just kept building and building. Whatever mom lacked in experience, she was more than making up for with genuine disappointment and determination that her daughter learn a lesson. In no time, mom had truly found her rhythm, hitting the same tender spots over and over as she calmly scolded and lectured.

Between the burning heat of the spoon and burning shame of her misdeeds, it wasn't long before the tears began to flow...

* * *

Just my humble take on an event, that might have almost happened, involving a certain somebody. If you know you know.

* * *

(n.b., this picture may or may not have also been inspired by one of the truly great spanking works of our time, namely: https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...ishmen/cat/500)



Registered: March 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 1,047
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Date: Mon May 22, 2023
Views: 5,376
Tags: 33
Filesize: 405.1kb
Dimensions: 1186 x 1306
Keywords: derkochloeffel

It would be hard to take spanking someone in German as a serious endeavor.
#1 Mon May 22, 2023 19:33

@hater665511: Why?

@RBG: Good pic! Interesting perspective. And I always like it when there is a story accompanying the picture.
#2 Mon May 22, 2023 19:58

Because of how German sounds as a language to English speakers.
#3 Mon May 22, 2023 20:18

Au contraire, I have a feeling that the German speakers pictured here are taking this *very* seriously.
#4 Mon May 22, 2023 20:21

I would give an example but this website seems to not like umlauts
#5 Tue May 23, 2023 00:09

Ph.D. in Punishment
Spoons are for sit spots. Great drawing!
#6 Tue May 23, 2023 01:04

I love how different your style is! It's a very cute and recognizable look. The coloring and tones are gorgeous too!
#7 Tue May 23, 2023 02:02

@GrandpaHina - I like how you just came out and addressed your comment to RBG . I guess it is technically her picture... in a way...

@hater665511 - I know, right? I tried using an umlaut O in the title and AOTK flipped out on me.

@Strictdaddy - Thanks! (that's one of the most frightening cute catchphrases I've heard in a while...)

@Poesdaughter - Thanks so much! Somebody told me recently the style looks like "from a children's book". Some people seem to really dig it and others couldn't care less, but it is what it is! Tone-wise, analog pencil and ink on illustration board, so I could do all the pseudo hard shadows in pencil - haven't done one like that in a while, but it was pretty chill process-wise.
#8 Tue May 23, 2023 03:06

Senior Member
Sometimes nothing says I love you like a good ass whoop'n.
Excellent art.
#9 Tue May 23, 2023 11:18

@jgovernale - Thanks!! Yes, sometimes warnings lose their effectiveness and there's no substitute for the real deal. Whether mom's previous threats were made with the intention of ever following through, we can only speculate, but at some point she clearly made up her mind on the issue!
#10 Tue May 23, 2023 17:17

Ah, I'm sorry, forks. Was a mistake because I clicked the link before... all praise belongs to you!
#11 Wed May 24, 2023 07:43

All credit does not belong to me! Directing comments to our dear RedBottomedGirl, especially if you enjoyed the realism of the backstory, actually makes a lot more sense than you might think.
#12 Wed May 24, 2023 15:41

Senior Member
O yes! There is a lot of great spanking art out there, but it even gets better, when it has some backstory. And this picture has not only a backstory, but kind of a prequel by another artist (RedBottomedGirl's original).

That makes it especially fascinating!
#13 Wed May 24, 2023 20:40

very nice, I was looking through your gallery, good stuff! Glad to see you are still drawing
#14 Thu May 25, 2023 06:15

@hater665511Trust me, I speak from my own experience when I tell you that it can get VERY serious, German or not. Especially when it comes to the particular spoon seen in this drawing

@GrandpaHino All credit goes to forks for this especially beautiful and impactful drawing, but it's right that it's some kind of continuation to my wooden spoon drawing.
#15 Fri May 26, 2023 13:34

To add my humble opinion to this on here as well...

I LOVE it! I genuinely love it so much, it's better that I could have ever imagined it to be. It really seems like the continuation to my drawing, while it's WAY more accurate. The spoon eerily resembles the real one and I love little details like that you kept the mother's face out of the picture or the handbag on the chair.

I also love the coloring a lot and how the mother already has to grab her wrist to prevent her from protecting her butt.
#16 Mon May 29, 2023 13:04

Thank you, all - yes, accuracy is very important when it comes to hypothetical events that might have almost happened
#17 Tue May 30, 2023 22:20

Gold Member
I like everything about this drawing, eg
the way the strict mother holds her naughty daughter's arm behind her back. The naughty daughter's tears in her eyes. The redness on her bare buttocks. It is delightful
#18 Thu October 12, 2023 21:10

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