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Home » Active Resident Artists » Sorenutz007


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A picture I recently commissioned from Sorenutz based on a conversation I had with another user on this site.

I wonder what sort of misdeed this poor girl engaged in to have her bent, restrained, spanked, and about to be buggered. Perhaps it was cheating on a test. Or perhaps it was not turning in assignments on time. Or perhaps the teacher was simply looking for the slightest pretext. Please let us know what you think has happened to result in this.



Registered: September 2012
Posts: 576
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Date: Mon October 2, 2023
Views: 12,175
Tags: 67
Filesize: 251.3kb
Dimensions: 1100 x 1300
Keywords: schoolgirl school teacher punishment restraint lube indian imminentsodomy

I think being a teacher is hard work, but someone has to do it.
#1 Tue October 3, 2023 03:23

Gold Member
Actually she got an A. After school all students have gone home, but not this student. The teacher lets the polite student decide what her reward should be for being such a great student in his class. He is surprised by what she suggests, but he keeps his promise and gives her the desired reward: A good hard spanking and some great sex.
#2 Tue October 3, 2023 17:19

Senior Member
very hot! Sorenutz always does amazing work
#3 Wed October 4, 2023 06:27

Senior Member
Agree with Mumrik, I can't believe nc sex would be allowed in a school (isn't it outlawed everywhere? But I mean, should be expecially grave at school?), so she must be consenting to this.
#4 Wed October 4, 2023 09:28

Very arousing in many respects. Thanks!
#5 Wed October 4, 2023 14:59

Oh, I think she got an A, but she got it by cheating on the test. Once caught and confronted, she begged to keep it quiet, lest she is expelled from the prestigious academy and her parents find out. So, she gets to keep her A but pays with a sound spanking over the bench and a punishment buggering after.
#6 Thu October 5, 2023 02:40

"Hard" at work or she "learning" the HARD way...lol
#7 Tue October 24, 2023 02:33

Normally a model student this girl was talking in class. Being a good student the teacher let her choose her punishment. She choose for her bottom to be whipped crimson and her butthole pounded hard.
#8 Tue February 27, 2024 12:29

Junior Member
As you should already be aware, students at our lady of the sacred overflowing heart are expected to receive disciplinary actions with humility and gratitude, while eagerness to reflect and learn from their mistakes is only encouraged. It has recently come to the faculty's attention that members of the student body have been practicing physical or mental auto-stimulation prior to or during their punishment sessions. The faculty wishes to clarify that this is NOT the kind of eagerness we encourage, and that deliberate endorphin release of this nature IS considered an analgesic and has always been proscribed under section 44(b) of the disciplinary code.
effective immediately, any student displaying excess coital lubrication during a disciplinary session will be subject to additional punishment at her disciplinarian's discretion, which may include but would not be limited to loss of gym or uniform privileges, tedious or embarrassing work assignments, and being the subject of sexual attention by the disciplinarian. We understand that a subsection of the student body experiences coital lubrication during any disciplinary action even without deliberate stimulation and may feel unfairly impacted by this change in policy mid-semester. However, we wish to remind you all that while a coital reaction to a disciplinary session may be involuntary, the actions leading to the disciplinary session almost never are. Mr. Coxwright in particular has asked me to convey that, and I quote, "If any of you doesn't wish to learn what it's like to be sodomized in a punishment bench by eight uncomfortably girthy inches, you could try behaving yourselves in Lit 104 for a change". I'm sure he looks forward to seeing the rest of you after class almost as much as I do.
Any questions about the new policy can be directed towards your disciplinary committee representative.
#9 Sat November 9, 2024 19:12

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