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Home » Active Resident Artists » SurfingGecko


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Well it's been a long time since I posted anything but I couldn't let Christmas come and go without a greeting to all my Spanko friends so I quickly rattled this up for you.

The story is that, as we all well know, it's Mrs Santa Clause who really makes thing happen this time of year and a pretty tight ship she runs too. So when Kyra and Pia - two of her senior elves - started a fight in the workshop that brought the whole production line to a standstill just days before Christmas she was not best pleased. She didn't stop to ask questions, instead she gave them both a swift spanking before sending them back out with a warning that if anything like this happened again they would get a much harsher punishment. Needless to say things ran very smoothly from that point onwards.

Please enjoy and all have a safe and happy Christmas!



Lizardopholus Pervi

Registered: October 2014
Posts: 3,593
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Date: Sat December 23, 2023
Views: 2,293
Tags: 21
Filesize: 577.5kb
Dimensions: 932 x 974
Keywords: christmas mrs santa clause chair otk elf

Nicely done and Merry Christmas!^^
#1 Sat December 23, 2023 08:21

It's Morphing Time!
Mrs. Clause must be kept very busy. So close to Christmas means everyone is on edge, so more mistakes are common. XD
#2 Sat December 23, 2023 17:07

Lizardopholus Pervi
@Nelson - thanks and a Merry Christmas to you too
@JacRanger - True, but Mrs C knows that two spanked bottoms being paraded around the workshop keeps the rest of them focused!
#3 Sun December 24, 2023 06:52

Junior Member
Wonderfully themed work for Christmas. It looks like Mrs. Claus is really getting at the "seat" of the problem! Thank you and Merry Christmas!
#4 Sun December 24, 2023 07:03

Yay, the anticipated Christmas gift from SurfingGecko. Fun idea, fitting colours for the season! 😁 Thanks and Merry Christmas!🎅🤶
#5 Sun December 24, 2023 09:31

Lizardopholus Pervi
@Chopper50 - Yep, she's really gettng to the bottom of things here
@Kaffekoppen: Thank you - I do like to fill this with the colours of Christmas (especially the red glow! )
#6 Tue December 26, 2023 03:49

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