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"i'm bored" SArah whined as she looked longing out the window.

"As am I, lets see if Father has something for us to do." Elizabeth said as she grabbed her younger sister by the hand and led her out of the room.

"Father, sarah and I are bored, what do you suggest?" Elizabeth asked. her very busy father.

"What I have been telling you girls to do for months, go find a friend in town, I don't have time to entertain you." The girls father said.

with that, the girls got thier things and and went into Boston. they really didn;t like the thought of getting a colonial girl as their playmate, but they didn't want to end up doing chores either.

Once in Town, the girls went to places where they thought the youth of the city might hang out. They then heard the sound of bells peelong, signalling the end of the school day.

All at once, numerous children left the school house and Sarah and Elizabeth knew they would find a playmate there. finding a girl that looked their age, they soon approached her.

"hey what is your name?" Elizabeth asked the startled girl.

"It is Eva, why?"

"do you want to come to our estate and play?" Sarah asked hopeful.

"estate Oh you are Elizabetha and Sarah, the daughters of the governor. Of course I would love to play with you."

The three girls soon found themselves back in the Mansion. Eva was struck with wonder as she took in the surroundings.

"What do you want to play?" Eva asked.

"I say we play house, and I will be the father, Sarah will be my wife." Elizabeth said.

"Who will I be?" Eva asked.

"you will be the daughter of course. Now I have to go change." Elizabeth said as she left the room.

When she entered again, she wore her fathers red regimental coat and his officers tri-corn hat, nothing else.

"Elizabeth why are you not wearing anything else?" Sarah asked

"I am the father and I like to be nude. there will be no more talk of it. Now I understand Our dauhgter has been very naughty."

"Yes she has, what do you propose to do honey?" Sarah said mischeviosly.

"Naughty girls sneed to be spanked." Elizabeth asid with a smile on her face.

"Sarah, Elizabeth wait...I don't think" Eva tried to protest.

However, the two other girls did not listen to her and they both pounced. Sarah reached around and grabbed her bending her over. Elizabeth then pulled her dress up and began to spank her soft bottom. Eva began to cry as the smacks seared her bottom.

"this is what happens to naughty little girls." Elizabth said having a good time at Eva's expence.

"Yes it is." came the booming voice of their father who had appeared in the doorway. Sarah and Elizabeth knew they were in deep trouble.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Sat July 5, 2008
Views: 5,041
Tags: 11
Filesize: 125.5kb
Dimensions: 1000 x 1000
Keywords: spank colonial school eva sarah elizabeth

a new Sarah and Elizabeth picture. The girls will now be joined by Eva, so look for more updates to the series.
#1 Sat July 5, 2008 07:35

Get over here~!
-_- em....what? Me? Hay!
#2 Sat July 5, 2008 10:21

LOL, not to worry, different Eva.
#4 Sat July 5, 2008 17:00

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