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I love the "in-game decision" option here. Obviously, that cursor is not going to stay on the "forgive" option for long. And I love how exhausted she looks. Getting spanked is sweaty work. I made the cursor/arrow/triangle blockier than in the original to match the NES font I chose.

Also, I like her big robot feet. I just think that's a funny thing in a spanking picture, especially with the kicking.


This is a "translated" version of the original. Basically, I don't know a word of Japanese, so I used Google Translate to get a rough translation into English, and then edited the lines a bit to make it sound more natural. A small amount of creative license was used.

I also used a blocky, old school nintendo-like font, which I think makes it look pretty cool.

Spankee: Roll
Spanker: Dr. Light
Franchise: Mega Man
Artist: "Fried Rice" or "Chahan"

It's worth noting that I'm ASSUMING the spanker is Dr. Light. As far as I can tell, he doesn't get mentioned by the artist in the tags, captions, or descriptions, and we obviously can't see his face. But it feels like a safe assumption. It's possible she was captured and spanked by Dr. Wily, but the context doesn't seem to support that.

Here's the source, where you can see the artist's original name (I can't post the Japanese text here), and the original Japanese captions:


He's a brand new artist (just started posting last month) who mainly does spanking stuff. He already has several drawings published, so check him out (though these ones are my favorites).

I hope you all enjoy! Leave a comment on his Pixiv upload if you did! Comments here are good too, of course.



Registered: September 2018
Location: Arizona
Posts: 94
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Date: Fri July 19, 2024
Views: 3,152
Tags: 24
Filesize: 268.0kb
Dimensions: 1554 x 1012
Keywords: mega man megaman rock roll chan doctor dr light otk hand embarrassment cornertime corner timeout time out kicking crying sobbing translation

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