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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Cc's Gallery » - Cc's 2008 Calendar


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Yeesh. Late late late! Sorry, all. But here it is, better late than never. ^^;

Another school-type setting, but instead of play this time it's the real thing. Aparrently Tanisu's been skipping class and her grades have been suffering. Unfortunately for her, she opened the letter from the principal infront of her boyfriend, Lansu, and he's less than impressed.

I'm quite happy with the way this came out, especially since I was stumped for an idea for September at first. I like the school uniforms; I was going to make her skirt plaid but got too lazy. I tried to add some fallish touches to make it more Septemberish. This is the couple's last page! Too bad, they're one of my favorite.



Registered: July 2007
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Date: Thu September 4, 2008
Views: 10,877
Tags: 26
Filesize: 605.6kb
Dimensions: 954 x 1543
Keywords: tanisu lansu septermber 2008 calendar page mf belt bed schoolgirl

Passionate Shadow
Hehe two sceans come to mind... I like the trees in the back ground.
#1 Thu September 4, 2008 01:04

Gentleman Spanker
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee she has such a cute expression and the position is so adorably spankable. Another great scene, I'm soo sad there won't be more couples because this is cutest couple.
#2 Thu September 4, 2008 01:14

Legendary Beast Tiger
I love the expression on her face. she's trying to act all inocent to get out of the spanking^^
#3 Thu September 4, 2008 01:19

IRC Lurker v2.1
Looks good..
#4 Thu September 4, 2008 01:43

*SQUEE!* It's super mega awesome win. @_@
#5 Thu September 4, 2008 02:11

VIP Donator
that poor girl is not going to sit for a while when he is done.... Thumbs up!
#6 Thu September 4, 2008 02:23

Shes so adorable and the fall scenery cought my eye! This won't be the last we see of them I'm sure. When you fav, you draw much art. Lol. I didn't even realize it was September. Thanks for the heads up! Very well drawn as alwasy and I love the position. Also I love the belt so this makes me happy. Hope for more of these two in the future.
#7 Thu September 4, 2008 02:28

Artist of the Damned
Looks like her buns will be as red as some of those fall leaves outside that window.
^_^ This scene looks so fun !
*wants to try it sometime* >.> *Looks at Xam*
#9 Thu September 4, 2008 02:45

Senior Member
Like always, love your attention to details. The blushing expression on her face, the crossed ankles, everything.
#11 Thu September 4, 2008 03:37

Aw, so hot! I think the position and him taking his belt off looks not just like it could be a spanking but would also be the beginning of sex, if not for her face and her panties still being up. Which really only makes it hotter to look at. ^_~

Great job Cc! =D
I love school uniforms really, I'm a complete sucker for them (I always wanted a male school uniform for my own, but I love looking at the female uniform on girls too). Really great job. Sexy, sexy.
#12 Thu September 4, 2008 03:53

Shadow Artist
Ah, she looks rather adorable and cute with her expression like that. This is also a very nice position. Looking very good ^^

Great work.
#14 Thu September 4, 2008 08:06

Super Moderator
Great one Cc.
Tanisu looks realy adorable and Lansu seames to be struggling with himself to keep the resolve.
I love scenes where the spanker is pulling out his belt, and realy great job on the details here
#15 Thu September 4, 2008 10:11

Senior Member
I like your use of fallish colors. Technically, September is mostly summer but I've always had a hard time believing that.

As usual, I love your spankee. Her position is very sexy and her partly hidden expression is extremely cute !

And even if it's their last calendar page, you can still draw as many pics of this couple as you'd like to ! We wouldn't complain, you know !
#16 Thu September 4, 2008 10:57

Senior Member
Awww... just look at those big puppy eyes....so adorable. The schooluniform works great in this picture. So nice job on this page again.
#17 Thu September 4, 2008 11:08

Senior Member
Great picture.
#18 Thu September 4, 2008 12:42

The Oscar
Very sexy
#20 Thu September 4, 2008 16:26

The Monster Under the Bed
i just love her expression. awesome job as usuall ^_^
#21 Fri September 5, 2008 04:07

Get over here~!
Hehe I love it XD only got on to DL it now and Print ^_^yesssss~!
#22 Fri September 5, 2008 06:52

Another excellent calendar page... extremely sexy body and position on the girl.

I'm counting down the days till October.
#24 Fri September 5, 2008 23:12

Agreed, plaid sucks to paint.
Very cool pic Cc!
But there's no way I'd be able to restrain myself long enough to administer the proper amount of punishment for skipping class. Her pose is my Achilles' Heel.
I'd be poised on a diving board!
#25 Sat September 6, 2008 00:35

artist + writer + recluse
awesome work
#26 Sat September 6, 2008 00:43

Senior Member
Brilliant colors, but I'm curious as to why she would open it in front of her boyfriend. Wouldn't it have been wiser to hide it and wait until later?
Love how he's blushing.
#27 Sat September 6, 2008 04:12

Stained Steel,
I like to imagine she opened it not knowing what it had to do with. Or maybe she had tried to hide it, but he had seen the pink note perhaps carelessly hidden and discovered it that way. Really one can imagine how she was caught any way they like, but that's how I personally think it happened.
#28 Sat September 6, 2008 21:33

Cool. I like how the guy is slowly taking his belt off, and how the lady is hugging the pillow.
#29 Sat September 6, 2008 21:58

Little Sayuri
VIP Donator
Her look is just perfect!
#30 Sun September 7, 2008 16:36

Interesting contrast with the autumn orange and purple. I love it .
#31 Sun September 21, 2008 10:06

Junior Member
Ouch, he looks so mad. I bet she wont sit for a while
#32 Wed October 1, 2008 20:36

Junior Member
Roleplay or real play? Not that it makes a difference. This picture is hot!
#33 Wed October 8, 2008 22:21

VIP Donator
I love the way Tanisu's hiding her face. But the crossed ankles make me think in fact she's trying to tempt him.
#35 Wed October 22, 2008 21:56

Senior Member
<P>uh oh, that reminds me of daddy </P>
#36 Thu July 16, 2009 05:17

Junior Member
aaw how i like that *-*

she looks so cuuuuuute >_
#37 Sat January 9, 2010 15:57

Probationary User
Love the expression you put on her face. Remorse, guilt, apprehension. It looks like she will be one sorry girl
#38 Sun March 6, 2011 01:52

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