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Home » Dormant Resident Artists » Cc's Gallery » - Cc's 2008 Calendar


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Hey guys!

Whew, this was semi-rushed but I got the time to finally finish it. I'm early, woot! But better early than late. Aren't you proud of me, Robbie? ^^

I at first wasn't pleased with this sketch, but after adding color and most importantly a background, it turned out well. Yes, a new couple to finish out the year--Sayu and Jiroki. In this scene, Jiroki is not too happy that his fiancee showed up to their mutual friend's Halloween party in such a skimpy outfit. I guess it's sort of a jab at the marketing industry. Afterall, have you SEEN how skimpy all the women's costumes are? Anyway, he was upset at the showy appeal of her costume, and as they return home he scolds her, as he drags her to what will no doubt be a long over the knee lesson!

Hope you all enjoy! This is my birthday month, hehe.



Registered: July 2007
Location: USA
Posts: 2,253
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Date: Wed October 1, 2008
Views: 10,584
Tags: 16
Filesize: 868.3kb
Dimensions: 1050 x 1995
Keywords: october calendar page mf pre spanking

Aries (mastercfire)
Wanna-be Roleplayer
I love your calendars
#1 Wed October 1, 2008 02:34

Senior Member
Yay... new calender page!!! Jiroku is definitely right to spank Sayu... look at that outfit Nice how you made them match... doctor and nurse. Great job once again.
#2 Wed October 1, 2008 02:45

A Real Role Player!
Finally, a good piece of art! It's wonderful as every Cc! LOVE the nurse outfit; she looks so cute...

And of course the guy's jealous! ^.~ Poor guy needs to learn its ok for everyone to look!

Especially us!
#3 Wed October 1, 2008 02:53

Super Moderator
How could I not love that one. It's simply perfect, and so cute.
Wonderful job Cc, as always^^
#4 Wed October 1, 2008 06:33

Very cute picture Cc! Great background too. Halloween is definately one of my favorite times of the year.

Since your birthday is this month, does that mean that we get to give you birthday spankings?
#5 Wed October 1, 2008 06:55

Uncle Bill's Naughty Girl
Great job Cc! this picture is very cute I wonder if they are going to a halloween party after this
#6 Wed October 1, 2008 09:27

Junior Member
Very cute.

This theme seems to come up several times in your work - is it something you actually have been/would like to be spanked for? (Or is that question too personal?)

There is a slight logical problem with the idea, though. Ordinarily the purpose of punishment is to prevent the offender from repeating the act they're being punished for. In this case, that means that if the punishment doesn't work, it would be a farce, but if it *did* work, it would be a tragedy.
#7 Wed October 1, 2008 10:41

It has been entirely too long since we have heard from you, CC.
#8 Wed October 1, 2008 10:58

Virtual Disciplinarian
just wonderful. Cc, I locve it. (as always! ^_^)
#9 Wed October 1, 2008 11:03

Junior Member
these should be real man they would sell out lol
#10 Wed October 1, 2008 11:13

Get over here~!
LoL that wont end in a simple scolding XD
#11 Wed October 1, 2008 17:31

Gold Member
aaaw I was looking forward to this sooo badly >.<
great work ♥
#12 Wed October 1, 2008 19:38

Hmmm... What can I say that hasn't already been said before?...Never mind, it's wonderful. And maybe we will cook something up for you as a birthdaypresent...
#13 Wed October 1, 2008 19:50

Okayz, this is my favorite of your calendars so far. It's just so damn funny. Girls can't wear hospital outfits but guys can? So unfair
#14 Wed October 1, 2008 19:51

Junior Member
another wonderful job
#15 Wed October 1, 2008 20:30

Ah, it's been too long Cc. Wonderful work, I love the peek at her panties. Your right about skimpy outfits, thats probably the least she could find. Love the dialogue too, shes such a cute girl. Glad to see your art again.

Oh, and happy birthday... month. Ha. If I could I'd draw you a birthday pic. Heck, I'll attempt it if I have time. But till your birthday comes, heres a hug. *Chibi Hug* Coo. ^_^
#16 Wed October 1, 2008 20:31

VIP Donator
So, your birthday is this month, Cc?
Well, since I don't know when exactly, happy birthday!
I hope someone will make you a birthday picture, it would be cool.

Very nice pic! But a bit unfair; why would Sayu be unauthorised to dress like she wants? However, if it can make a pretext for a good M/F spanking, I don't say no.^^

As always, your art is beautiful; glad to see it again!
#17 Wed October 1, 2008 22:05

If I didn't live at home this'd go on the wall. Damn I love your work Cc.
Oh, and: Dun dun dun!
#18 Wed October 1, 2008 22:22

Thanks all. Well, I suppose Jiroki is a little more 'territorial' than many guys, being engaged to Sayu. It can be looked at as unfair, but it's mostly all in good spanking fun to me. ^^; Not like he's going to thrash her or anything. x.x;

And thanks to everyone for the nice comments!
#21 Thu October 2, 2008 03:49

VIP Donator
Wow this is amazing. whenever i check the new drawing i always keep my fingers crossed for your works...but you stopped drawing lots of pics.....You should get a spanking for that! also it is your b day month HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
#22 Thu October 2, 2008 07:23

That's a very sexy nurse!
#24 Mon October 6, 2008 08:15

Tried for a couple days to see this one, but I just get a red "X". Hmm.
Happy birthday month, Cc!
October is is my birthday month too!
We're the coolest (^_^).
#25 Tue October 7, 2008 14:57

lol candy striper!!!!
#26 Sat October 11, 2008 04:55

Junior Member
I wait all month for you next calendar. Thank you for sharing. Keep up the great work.
#28 Tue October 21, 2008 20:14

VIP Donator
Looking at them, I get the impression Jiroki knew all along what Sayu was going to wear, but he let her do it just for the pleasure of spanking her later. And I reckon she must have known a sore bottom was on the cards, but decided to risk it anyway.

Two important questions remain: are they on the way home from the party (where Jiroki was presumably fuming all night long) or - daringly - on the way in? And is Sayu any good at bobbing for apples?
#29 Sun October 26, 2008 15:34

Junior Member
These are the best, it is one of my absolute favorite things about this website.
#30 Tue November 11, 2008 00:16

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