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Chloe lived with her sister and mother in a quiet neighborhood in a quiet town. Chloe's little sister Hanna was a year younger than her older sister. The two girls could not be further apart in temperament.

Chloe worked very hard at what she did and took pride in her accomplishments. Hanna however didn't do anything that required any actual work. She had always been handed every thing in life and because of this she was spoiled and ill mannered.

One day at while at the shopping mall, Chloe saw a very nice pajama set made out of fine silk. It was very nice and very expensive. She knew she would say no, but she asked her mother to buy it for her anyway. As she guessed her mother told her no but that didn't stop her.

For six weeks she did extra chores around the house and offered to help her neighbors for some extra cash. Finally after weeks of saving, Chloe was delighted when she brought her new purchase home. She could not wait to wear it to bed.

That night her mother had a date and as she left she left Chloe in charge. The two girls spent most of the night doing their separate things. But when it came time to go to bed, Hanna saw Chloe in her new silk pajama set and became incredibly jealous.

"That is a really nice P.J. set Chloe." Hanna said eyeing it.

"Thanks, it feels so wonderful, and soft." chloe said happily.

"Can I wear it?" Hanna asked.

"I don't know. I worked really hard to get it and the silk is delicate." Chloe said hoping her sister would drop the subject.

However that was not the case. Hanna walked over to where Chloe was and ran her fingers over the purple fabric.

"Please I'll be really careful. It won't take more than a minute." Hanna persisted.

"I said no hanna. Please don't." Chloe said nervous.

"I just want to try it on!" Hanna said she grabbed the collar of the P.J. set.

Chloe tried to get Hanna to release her grip. The girls tugged and tugged when all of a sudden The fighting was abruptly stopped when the two girls heard the fabric rip. It was only then that Hanna let go.

Chloe held stood back, holding her Pajamas in her hands. The entire front hem had been torn open exposing her bare breasts. That was not her concern, her brand new, expensive, silk pajamas had been ruined. Chloe felt herself get first sad, then really angry at Hanna.

"Look at what you did. I worked for six weeks to afford this. You ruined it!" Chloe screamed.

"It wouldn't have ripped if you had just let me try it on." Hanna said defiantly.

Chloe felt herself get even angrier. Her mother had never done anything but ground the girls when they misbehaved, but Chloe remembered her friend from school tell her that when she misbehaved, he mother pulled her panties down and gave her a spanking.

with the resolve of a crusader, Chloe grabbed Hanna with strength that surprised even her. She threw Hanna over the edge of the bed had first and she lay stomach down on the comforter. Chloe then brought her leg over Hanna straddling her, pinning her to the bed.

Chloe then grabbed Hanna's panties and with one motion brought them down to her knees. Hanna kicked and screamed trying to get free. She was terribly confused at what her older sister was doing.

"This will teach you to destroy my things!" Chloe screamed.

She then brought her hand up over her head and brought it down with all the strength she could muster. The smack on her sisters bare bottom echoed through out the house. Chloe then repeated the motions, over and over again.

Hanna's bottom soon became red and sore. The stinging slaps of her sisters hand seemed to go on and on. Hanna was soon reduced to tears, her once defiant attitude giving way to one more apologetic. Chloe continued spanking her sister until she ran out of energy.

When she could no longer continue the punishment, Chloe simply slid off her sister to the floor. Once free Hanna crawled onto the bed and under the covers, sobbing. Even though her pajama set was destroyed, she felt good in the knowledge that someone had finally given her sister what she deserved.



Registered: January 2008
Location: It's a long, long way to tipperary
Posts: 47
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Date: Wed October 22, 2008
Views: 4,694
Tags: 1
Filesize: 195.3kb
Dimensions: 660 x 1000
Keywords: sisterspankingpainting

#1 Wed October 22, 2008 13:32

Another well-done story, and well-drawn picture. Again I'm not into family stuff, and the nudity with this sister/sister spanking makes me kind of uncomfortable, but artistically it is very well done. Nice work.
#4 Wed December 17, 2008 20:55

charles wilbourn
Gold Member
it's good to see the face of the girl or boy who is being spanked.
#5 Fri July 11, 2014 20:44

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