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Home » Active Resident Artists » El Manto Negro


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Alielle spanking Fatora from the anime El Hazard.

Suggested by Macha

Let the image speaks for itself.
Enjoy people, enjoy

Yours: El Manto Negro



Registered: March 2007
Posts: 569
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Date: Thu September 27, 2012
Views: 7,121
Tags: 28
Filesize: 251.2kb
Dimensions: 940 x 450
Keywords: ff hazard

The Yellow Imp
what an awesome wish! such a lucky lady she is
#1 Thu September 27, 2012 18:58

Gold Member
I saw El Hazard a long time ago, but I don't remember much of it. Still, it's kinda funny to see topping from the bottom, regardless of circumstances.
#2 Thu September 27, 2012 19:03

Gold Member
I don't think Aiella's spanking hard enough :3
#3 Thu September 27, 2012 21:17

Senior Member
This is the most in-character spanking I have ever seen. Fatora really was almost that wierd. Are you going to do any more El hazard ones ? Nanami spanking Jinnai or Jinnai spanking Rune Venus would be great !
#4 Thu September 27, 2012 23:51

Senior Member
Makes me want to watch this show...Always love you stuff elmantro, but if you don't mind a small critique, I think the spankee's head looks big, makes the spanker look drawvish. I'd also have arranged the words to be read left to right.
#5 Fri September 28, 2012 06:00

VIP Donator
I have no idea what "El Hazard" was. Fortunately, this image does speak for itself. Fatora's fanny is well-presented, not to mention well-reddened!
#6 Fri September 28, 2012 12:52

~loves lilies and roses~
A very enjoyable picture indeed. Thank you for making this one ^^

I think the spankee's head looks big, makes the spanker look drawvish
She is REALLY tiny.
#7 Fri September 28, 2012 21:33

Tanks, criticism is always welcome, but it might not be as wrong as it might see, let me explain: proportion Alielle is quite smaller than Fatora reaching almost her shoulder, having that in mind I scale her according this proportion if you measure lets say from the shoulder to the elbow you’ll notice the differences in size. Also the Perspective has much to do here but it will require more than an evening and more than a cup of coffee to explain, believe me I’m very meticulous about perspective, proportion and structure.

Now about the texts well I totally screw it up I have no excuse beyond the necessity to not overcharge the right side of the image, I could solve in other many better ways but I go with the lazy one…

I hope not sound rude or defensive
Yours: El Manto Negro.
#8 Fri September 28, 2012 21:59

~loves lilies and roses~
Yeah, I think it's fine Manto - he/she couldn't know how tiny Alielle really is xD
#9 Sat September 29, 2012 14:17

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