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Etra-Chan Saw It?!

My name is Karin. I'm a housewife. My husband, Akamatsu, works for a company. At first, our married life had been going really well. We couldn't be happier.

But then, one day, Akamatsu got home pretty late.

Akamatsu: Ugh, this project sucks. Everyone in the department is stuck doing overtime...

Karin: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. Let me run you a bath.

While my husband was in the bath, I started to take care of his suit.

Karin: ...? (Sweet?)

My husband's suit smelled like perfume.

Karin: (He works in an office with multiple people. Of course there's a few women who wear perfume.)

I told myself that, but the next day, I smelled the perfume on him again. Then the next day, I tried calling him on his lunch break, but I couldn't reach his phone.

Karin: (Did he block me?)

The day after, on his day off...

Karin: Hey, my phone is dead. Can I see yours real quick?

Akamatsu: Ah?! Uh, m-my phone is also dead right now. I-I'll go charge them both.

Karin: (There's no way he'd let his phone die. His job had him on call.)

Then, when he came home the day after that, still smelling of perfume, I snapped.

Karin: Akamatsu, let me see your phone. Now.

Akamatsu: Huh?! Uh, w-why do you wanna do that~?

Karin: I just wanna see.

Akamatsu: Hehe, uh, there's...no need. I don't got anything-

Karin: Akamatsu, if you have nothing to hide, then show me! I know you're cheating on me, so stop lying to my face!

Akamatsu: Huh?! Wait, you think I'm cheating on you!

Karin: Yes! I'm tired of you coming home smelling like perfume every day! Who is she?!

Akamatu: What? Perfume? Oh, that's from Tokusa.

Karin: ...T-Tokusa?!

I knew Tokusa; he was my husband's best friend since college.

Akamatsu: Yeah, his girlfriend wears lots of perfume. Then, she hugs him on the way out. Since we work so closely together, I guess some of it rubs off on me.

Karin: Th-then...then what about your phone?! I tried calling you on your lunch break!

Akamatsu: Oh, I told you about this project, right? I had to work through lunch.

Karin: Uh...I...then why wouldn't you let me see your phone?!

Akamatsu: S-sorry! I have secret documents on here! I'm under NDA to not show ANYONE else! S-see?!

In a way, I felt relieved to see my husband was telling the truth. But then, it felt like a rock was in my stomach...

Karin: I-I'm sorry...

Akamatsu: Hey, don't be! I guess it looked pretty suspicious, huh?

Karin: N-no! I...I accused you of cheating without any evidence! I should have more faith in my husband! I...I should be punished.

Akamatsu: ...Well, if you feel strongly about that, then I know how to relieve your guilt.

I watched as Akamatsu grabbed a chair from the kitchen and put it in the middle of the living room. He explained that he was going to spank me. I thought he was just joking; making a big gesture, but he was serious!

Akamatsu: When my mom made a mistake, my dad spanked her for it.

Karin: Huh?! And they're still married.

Akamatsu: Yup! Happily even.

I found that hard to believe, but then I remember all the times I met his parents. They were so happy with each other. I couldn't imagine that someone sweet like Miss Yuri actually copped swats by Mister Kuroki. And yet...

Karin: *gulp* Alright. Akamatsu...please, spank me.

And, just like that, he spanked me over his lap.

It was...embarrassing. He spanked me like I was a naughty girl.


Karin: Mmmmf!!!

Akamatsu: Hold still, Karin~ Kicking won't make it any easier on you~

It stung so bad! And it was like my ass was on fire! And yet, at the same time, I couldn't help but feel my husband's love. At first, I thought it was just because he had a goofy grin on his face. But, no, he was very loving and tender the entire time.

Akamatsu: It's okay, Karin. We're almost done.

He rubbed my back and assured me that everything was gonna be okay.

When it was over, he gave me a hug when it was over. I was crying into his chest as he held me.

Akamatsu: It's okay, Karin. I forgive you.

Karin: Th-thank you, Akamatsu. I won't jump to conclusions again...

Akamatsu: And I'll try to not be so suspicious, so you won't have any reason to think I'm unfaithful~

After that, I never suspected my husband of being unfaithful.

...But it wasn't the last time he spanked me.

Karin: O-oh no~ I, uh, burnt dinner. What a clumsy wife I am. (Didn't cook anything) I-I guess we'll have to order some take out tonight~ (Already ordered take out and told Akamatsu)

Akamatsu: What a bad girl you are~ You need a spanking!

Turns out, I actually enjoyed the spanking he gave me. I was a 'bad girl' and got a spanking at least once a week.

I just hope our neighbors didn't hear us...


Oh boy, another Etra-Chan pic & fic! To be honest, there might be an increase influx in these since I've been listening to the backlog of these videos when work is slow.

So, I didn't mention my thoughts the last time I drew Karin, so time to now: she was the first protagonist I saw when I fell down this rabbit hole and she's the only character who can rival Yuzuriha in being my favorite character. I love stories where she's the protagonist since she usually has a backbone and doesn't need things to be so extreme before she fights back. I love how she's so no-nonsense when everyone gives her crap and in some stories, can even kickass.

She's also just really cute.

And then there's Akamatsu. And...oh boy. The ever bumbling Akamatsu. If you watch enough videos and Akamatsu isn't the protagonist, then you're always just waiting to see how he screws things up. Hell, when Akamatsu is in a relationship, then it's a matter of WHEN he cheats, not if. I feel of the antagonist, Akamatsu is the most...funny. Tachibana is intimidating, Hiragi is manipulative. But Akamatsu is a buffoon; when I see him as an antagonist, I always expect a good story that has me laughing in the end. When he's a good guy, it's a legit surprise every time, even when he IS the protagonist of the story.

I guess that's why he's wormed his way into one of my favorite characters. Definitely Top 5. I hate being that kinda guy who thinks bad guys are more interesting than good guys, but this is one of those times where Akamatsu just has more personality than the usual good boys of the channel. It makes him such a good antagonist and protagonist.

IDK if I just don't see enough content, but I feel like Karin & Akamatsu get paired up a lot and it always feels like a coin flip to see if they can manage to stay together or if they're broken up by the time the video's over. And I thought I'd lean into it. It also helps a similar story was posted some months back and I watched it before I started drawing this, so the scenario was on a silver platter for me.


It's Morphing Time!

Registered: December 2012
Location: Cannonball Shores
Posts: 44,391
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Date: Tue July 9, 2024
Views: 1,201
Tags: 11
Filesize: 567.4kb
Dimensions: 1944 x 1757
Keywords: etra chan saw it karin akamatsu otk bare bottom panties down hand spanking husband wife doemstic discipline

Story man
You pay the price
#1 Tue July 9, 2024 15:52

Teee,heee!Very nice,JR!^^
#2 Tue July 9, 2024 22:35

It's Morphing Time!
@Jqw: Indeed.

@Nelson1977: Thanks, Nelson. XD
#3 Tue July 9, 2024 23:07

Lizardopholus Pervi
And now he too has a way to relieve all the stress he feels from that high-pressure project he's doing!
#4 Thu July 11, 2024 07:16

It's Morphing Time!
@SurfingGecko: So in the end, everything was for the best.
#5 Thu July 11, 2024 17:40

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