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Home » Non-Resident Artists » Palcomix


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After each girl got her turn initiating Jade, I was at a loss on how to reach Palcomix's 8 page minimum length for a comic commission, but when I saw these 2 panels on the last page of Palcomix's comic, I just knew how to reach them.

especially when, as that girl whose name I don't know said in the previous pages : "I don't remember you being spanked Penny".


VIP Donator

Registered: February 2020
Location: Brazil and France
Posts: 228
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Date: Sat January 25, 2025
Views: 2,440
Tags: 6
Filesize: 268.3kb
Dimensions: 345 x 635
Keywords: penny gadget puppy love 2 palcomix inspector

The spanker of Mewtwo
Kinda wish we saw the other girls hazing or Jade getting oh well.
Great comic
#1 Sun January 26, 2025 14:19

Senior Member
You would think Penny would have learned her lesson from asking Gadget about the same code given to her by agent Heather during the first story line version.
#2 Tue January 28, 2025 20:51

VIP Donator
actually did ask Palcomix to change the text, but looks like he didn't, thanks for the catch, I'll see if he has time to edit it.

false: that was my original idea, but what actually asked of him was to put a flashback panel on the next page (2nd panel looks like it) where Penny would, after seeing the 4 metal worms from the original comic, remember that any code with a higher number (quatro being 4 in spanish and portuguese) would override the current code being executed since they are supposed to be priority codes. Then, as she was trying to remember another keyword for the new code, while thinking she'd have to really spank the hell out of Heather the next time they met, she'd accidentally shout/say "SPANK" or "Spanking" and thus activating Gadget's current code from the following pages, as he retracts his worms.

and she'd also remember that, as a safety feature, each person can only order 1 override each day or each couple of hours, to avoid Gadget's brain from overheating due to incessant overrides from, for example, a malicious person who learned of the code system and wanted to take advantage of it.
#3 Tue January 28, 2025 21:05

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