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Part 1: https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...24&cat=896
Part 3: https://animeotk.com/gallery/showpho...lancla/cat/896

My alternate take on The Owl House ending:

"As he was about to leave for outer space with much growing-up and soul-searching to do, The Collector was confronted by Camila, Luz's mother, about what he had done to her daughter and their friends.

She did not look happy about his behavior, and he could easily understand why, as it was how he'd feel about himself ever since realizing how wrong his past actions had been.

Expecting her to ask for legitimate justice and enact retribution, the Child from the Stars admitted to deserving a punishment. This came as a surprise to the upset mother, whose angriness slowly started to fade, when it became clear to her that the heavy-hearted child was far from having a clear conscience...

But she wasn't done with him yet.

As a means to both teach him a lesson and relieve him of his guilt, Camila offered The Collector a taste of her favorite way of dealing with bad mistakes. Luz had occasionally tasted it in the past, but now came the time for her mother to pass the secrets of her domestic discipline methods down to a new, fresh needy pair of buttocks.

With the Collector's agreement, whose curiosity would quickly win the upper hand anyway, Camila helped him lie across her lap. She started it slow, slapping his clothed butt cheeks with a bare hand as a preamble. Progressively, the sting of her hand turned into the pain from her choice piece that she always ended any spanking with: the family flip-flop applied on a bare bottom.

"La Clancha's Burn" for any self-respecting naughty bottom. A true nightmare to be reckoned with.

Tears formed and flew out along with cries of agony and sadness. The Collector first regretted having chosen this way out of his own remorse, but an inner voice of reason kept telling him NOT to use his near-omnipotent powers to free himself from this humiliating punishment. And he listened to it.

After a couple of hard-hitting minutes bawling his eyes out over Camila's knees, a crying Collector was wrapped up warmly by a pair of loving arms, swaddled like a baby giving a good cry and paying his guilt goodbye in the process. From the outside, The Collector looked nothing like the 400-year-old entity any longer, and he was fine with it.

As long as his sorrows and remorses were gone. And gone, they were for good. And maybe...

...maybe he could stay on Earth a little longer, with this woman who could just turn out to be the perfect candidate for the position of his first mother figure ever.

It's not like he didn't need a mother. And not like Camila would object."

Based on the characters created by Dana Terrace.

I take commissions. Contact me for more info!


Artist Spankee

Registered: January 2010
Location: Over your knees !
Posts: 671
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Date: Fri January 31, 2025
Views: 1,019
Tags: 14
Filesize: 1157.5kb
Dimensions: 2094 x 2003
Keywords: spank spanking clancla owl house collector toh remorse guilt boy camila flipflop

Need more pencils
You can tell that he's still trying to hold it all in.
#1 Tue February 4, 2025 06:50

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