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Home » Active Resident Artists » Spanko


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Unlike his friend and former con partner, Nick Wilde, Finnick didn't get the chance to move on with his life by becoming a police officer. He kept a low profile as a street thug, living off various scams and low-paid small jobs on his own.

The not-so-unpleasant memories of acting as a beloved son in a baby elephant suit were still fresh in his memory. Finnick wouldn't want to admit it, but he missed everything about it.

He missed pretending to be what he was not, but had always wanted to be. He missed making up for the lost time with a substitute father figure. He missed secretly considering Nick as the fragile, makeshift but so damnably precious family that the orphaned fennec fox had never been allowed to grow up in.

He missed being treated like a cute baby, under the care and protection of an overzealous fox whose award-winning performance as a love-boisterous caretaker was one-of-a-kind, unprecedented for. He missed being walked in his suit hand-in-hand, looked at fondly by other bystanders, stroked, caressed, kissed, and hugged all within the framework of their scamming roleplays.

...and for what it was worth, Finnick even missed the occasional sore reminders that a father who knew best also held certain rights over him, especially in the field of discipline, whenever it'd be required. Yep, Finnick even missed getting spanked. All for the sake of "realism", of course.

Ever since Nick Wilde's drastic change of life goal, the two friends had grown apart. Two former scammers-turned-split souls. While the fox's existence had found a new purpose, Finnick's was slowly drifting to a daily low life of self-neglect.

But all of this came to a brutal stop, on THAT day when Nick found out about his estranged partner ending up behind bars for a petty act of theft. The fox cop was quick to bail him out of jail, but not without ensuring Finnick's freedom would come at a painful price.

After escorting him back to his lonely van in some dirty Zootopia backstreet, Nick gave him an earful about the nasty turn for the worse his friend's life was taking. They got into a heated argument, which in turn became its own source of "heat":

Nick took his naughty companion over his knees, and made sure his "son" would never forget how hard a fox's hand could hit when he was angry - but most of all, when he was worried sick about his closest friend's wellbeing. His sly grin would only tell a fake story for the outside, but the turmoil of his inner emotions enjoyed freedom of speech through his lashing hand; how fearful and restless was his unfortunate friend making him!

Having expected this outcome somehow, if not hoped for it to happen, Finnick did not try to object or resist. He was being spanked hard without his suit to hide under, much to his total humiliation, but the fennec fox couldn't care less. He had earned it, and needed it for such a long time that being regressed and punished in such a defeating way was the least of his worries.

He gave up and cried all the tears he could possibly cry. The tears he had been holding back for an entire life of loneliness. The tears of a ruined childhood. The tears from a failed life... and the tears that a hopeful reunion with his only source of affection in this cruel world were now bringing back on his cheeks.

And when the spanking ended with the two cuddling each other like they never had before, both of them knew things could be just fine again. Because everyone deserves a second chance.

Based on the characters from the Disney animated film "Zootopia".

I take commissions. Contact me for more info!


Artist Spankee

Registered: January 2010
Location: Over your knees !
Posts: 671
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Date: Sun February 2, 2025
Views: 1,052
Tags: 17
Filesize: 1729.0kb
Dimensions: 1947 x 2000
Keywords: spank spanking painful zootopia fennec fox finnick nick wilde police scam father son furry

Great spanking fan art!^^
#1 Sun February 2, 2025 16:34

Senior Member
i like it
#2 Sun February 2, 2025 17:55

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