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Roleplayers Introductions and Resumes Roleplayers - introduce yourself here. Talk about yourself, your spanking roleplay's, your experiences and your likes/dislikes. Update your threads as you learn or teach others. List your RP preferences and link to roleplays you're engaged in here on the site! Use this to Network your Spanking Roleplay Profile.

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aka's resume
Old June 23rd, 2024, 06:37 PM   #1
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Default aka's resume

I've had some folks show an interest in RPing with me, and I've recently started getting into RPing, so I figured I'd post a resume here.

I'm aka, and I've only been RPing for about a year or so at this point. I've done vanilla tabletop RPG gaming for close to five years, and I've written quit a bit of spanking fiction, including The Scandalous Scarlet Moon.


I prefer F/F, though M/F is fine, so long as my character is bottom. I don't have much interest in roleplaying a male.

Characters have to be physically and mentally 18 or older, though they don't have to *act* their age, nor do other characters necessarily have to *think* they're 18 or older. I prefer bottom, but switch is also great and top is fine as well if I find the premise interesting.

Spankings, Kinks & Implements:

I like big butts, and I like thongs. I guarantee that any character I play will have a lot of junk in the trunk, and be wearing thongs, regardless of role.

As for spankings, OTK and under-the-arm (especially under-the-arm-carry) hand spankings are my favorite. But I'm down for any positionbe I'm interested in discipline scenes. The discipline doesn't have to be just. A supervillain spanking a superheroine for interfering in her plans, or a superheroine-in-civilians getting spanked by her strict Aunt because she was too busy fighting supervillains to pick up some milk are both great.

I like pervertables, like hairbrushes, wooden spoons, belts, that sort of thing. Paddles and straps are also good. I don't like the cane or whip.

Themes & Genres:
Action/Adventure, Fantasy, Superheroines. Fantasy can be classic Swords & Sorcery, Urban Fantasy, mundane-but-with-fantasy-under-the-surface, whatever.

Not sure what particular scenarios I will like most since I'm fairly new to RPing.

I generally prefer to run an original character, rather than trying to run someone predefined, though expys and *heavy* inspiration are fine. I have no problem with another player running someone predefined.
Author of The Scandalous Scarlet Moon, and Scarlet Moon 2: Eclipse Rising, text-based superhero(ine) spanking RPGs found at spankingrpgs.com

My first spanking fanart! https://animeotk.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=85595
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