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Old March 1st, 2019, 11:23 AM   #11
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Toph pointed at her eyes now. "I hope I'm doing this right, but I'm trying to roll my eyes!" She huffed, clearly not taking the older waterbender serious. Her attitude changed quickly though when Katara easily yanked her over her lap, backside exposed, and giving her a few sharp swats with the hairbrush. A short, girly squeak escaped the younger bender and she immediately reached back to ease the light sting. "Hey!" She complained, still rubbing her backside - Toph did sound a bit surprised though, she hadn't expected a sting like that from only a few smacks. "That hurt!?"
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Old March 14th, 2019, 10:25 PM   #12
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Katara landed three swats on each cheek. "Yes, that hurt. It's going to hurt a whole lot more before we're done here." Katara took Toph's arm, pinning it to her back. "No reaching back." A sharp smack to each thigh warned her against trying anything again. "A spanking is supposed to hurt, and it's supposed to hurt a lot. You'll be crying before I'm finished with you, I guarantee it." Having said her piece, she began laying down stroke after terrible stroke on the earthbender's rear, easily causing it to pinken.
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Old March 15th, 2019, 09:50 PM   #13
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Toph actually squeaked at the next few swats and her face reddened immediately due to her increasing embarrassment. She was Toph Beifong, squeaking was for girly girls, not masters of earthbending! "Ow!" A tiny yelp escaped her when her thighs were smacked, the young Earthbender didn't want to admit it, but she had clearly underestimated this kind of punishment. "Spirits, stop that, Sugar Queen!!" Toph hissed and tried to free her wrists, but the harsh smacks to her unprotected backside left her basically powerless. Instead she kicked her legs and squirmed over the waterbender's lap, but Katara made sure the younger girl couldn't escape. "Ow! Damn!! Stop!"
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