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April 22nd, 2009, 04:21 AM
Dark Shade landed behind Aries and growled.
"SO what do you want then, Demon-Hunter?" Dark Shade hissed.
April 22nd, 2009, 04:46 AM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 10,428
Aries equickly turned around "dont make me kill you."
April 22nd, 2009, 04:51 AM
Dark Shade grinned fangily and started walking around Aries.
"You know," Dark Shade stated, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it when you followed me here before asking what you wanted."
April 24th, 2009, 04:38 PM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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Aries only prepaired for an attak at first "if you surrender i will not kill you but you shall be in my surrvice." Aries told him
April 24th, 2009, 04:47 PM
"And what would you have me do in your service, Demon-Hunter?" Dark Shade asked.
April 24th, 2009, 04:52 PM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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"repent...." Aries stated before thinking for a moment "you would be bound to me by a spell i have an old friend in the mages guild who can do that. then you will travel with me and protect me and anythingi have you protect you shall kill evil beings and i will rewards you everytime you do a good deed and after i feel you have repented enough and you will never again hurt an innocent person i shall release you from the bound"
April 24th, 2009, 04:55 PM
Dark Shade snorted and replied, "If I do surrender to you, then you had better hope that it is a strong mage casting the spell. I'm not your average demon."
Dark Shade took a quick step towards Aries.
April 24th, 2009, 05:00 PM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
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Aries griped his blade tightly in readyness "so do you surrender?"
April 24th, 2009, 05:03 PM
"You got to catch me first," Dark Shade sneered as he took off into the woods at a dead sprint.
April 24th, 2009, 05:25 PM
Wanna-be Roleplayer
Aries (mastercfire) is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 10,428
Aries gave chase and put away his sword "ARE YOU A CHILD!" he asked angerly as he armed his bow while running
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